Showing posts with label Fs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fs. Show all posts

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Strama defects - most writers can not connect FS and analysis, and strategy

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

I was in 2 strama sessions this week:  one in the medical school last Tuesday, and yesterday at AGSB

I have seen this time and time again, students committing the same mistake, out of inexperience or lack of skills in financial. (as most do) It is only after 20 years of MBA that I learned the value of FS.

Thus the student will propose a plant or improvement, it no changes in FFE, in Balance sheet and cash flow, and no interest expense in P and L.  They all come together.  I

If they understand that strategy is about choice of resources and processes to reach an objectives, or a story of where am I now, where am I going, how do I get there, then they should see the totality of their work and connect, even the FS to their story

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Improvement in critical thinking and analyses by Graduate Students

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Rizal Philippines
December 18, 2016

I am writing this a reflection on my attendance for strama defense.

Peter Senge is right that the Fifth Discipline, shared learning and the rest of the disciplines:    Mental Models, Systemic Thinking, Shared Vision are important in strategy and successful management of enterprise or change.  Let us take mental models.

1. The use of macro data for EFE even for local business that have only local competitors-  It should be used for FMCG products and products and services that have national coverage.  The presentor for a hospital in an island that have local market in scope used only macro data as if she was in MM, like a big hospital in MM.  Some would advocate the use of B2C marketing strategy even if the business were B2B.   Use of mass and social media for a B2B company.

2.  Using irrelevant or hostile data or making wrong conclusions from the data presented.   Some would judge the the same stuff as both strength and weakness.  Say for instance, on the CFS, they would judge having more products as one of the factor for success in the business And somewhere in the paper, said that the company was progressive because of diverse products.  And the graphs and table shows indeed that the company was ahead of competitors in terms of products and services.  And yet in the internal analysis says that the company has fewer variants of the products.

3.  Failing to address the SWOT analysis.   Some students would say that the company is weak financially (low liquidity, high DE ratio, etc)   And yet after noting that, while the student would profess marketing strategy fail to address this issue. Why would you let a very weak company run a sprint or a marathon.  Are the weaknesses not to be addressed.?  We should beef our finance mentoring sirs?

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Some stories on strategic plan - common weakness is financials

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Makati City
November 5, 2016

Today despite eye problem, I attended a strama defense that involved 3 MBA candidates.  The first one breezed through her presentation because she is COO, an EA to her father who heads the company.  The study was about a local company making refrigeration equipment for f and  b firms.   However, despite the planned doubling of sales, the resources needed to attain the objective were not detailed.  The additional expenses and wages were missed out.

The second one which dealt with sale of Chinese trucks, mentioned the weak financial position of the company.   (The industry and the PTM was not clear.)   However he failed to address this issue at the strategy portion.   The company has huge liability, a loan payable (which was converted from advances of parent company.)

 The third one which was about a real estate company, had all the competitive analysis and external analysis all about real estate operations ie land banking, development and selling of lots and house and lot package  However the financials pertained to a construction company, (contract income (there were no inventories, contract receivable.  The competitors had these data in their FS obtained from SEC.  The sales achievement of the company was not very clear too.

More critical thinking and fs literacy needed by  MBA candidates

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Factors Paper by Roman Cruz - AGSB Clark Entrep

Good  afternoon Sir!
Sending po again my refurbished factor paper.

Thank you po!


What factors I do/ don't possess that make /do not make me a Business Entrepreneur?
By: Roman M. Cruz 

After our debate on the subject, “Are entrepreneurs born? Made? “Swerti” (lucky )”,  I just had a reflection into myself if for this three subject matter, where do I perfectly fit in? What do traits do I possess in order to check myself if I am suitable to be the next big thing in entrepreneurship?

In order to give myself a better view on this reflection there are two things that I did to see “within” me if I am capable of being an entrepreneur. First is I went back and reflect if there are instances in mylife where at least for once experience to involve myself in entrepreneurial activity either big or small. Secondly, in order to support my experientialreflection, I actually took a free online entrepreneur test that measures personality traits regarding on entrepreneurialism.