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Showing posts with label GCC. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The potato straw penetration challenge <--->entrepreneurship and strategy

                   The goal is to penetrate the hard potato with a soft ordinary straw through and through

I get the students interested in positive thinking. in can do mindset, in learning to do with the potato straw penetration exercise. I got this from Mr. Silverio who owns and runs the Guadalupe Commercial Complex. He was our guest entrepreneur at ADB MBA entrep class.  He made the class do this.  I adopted this ever since.

This is strategic and entreprenurial.  Why?

The goal of this exercise is to penetrate the potato.  How do you do this?  You device various means (and this the whole idea of strategy/entrepreneurship)   In entrepreneurship, your  goal is to make a dream come true with little or no resources using a set of entrepreneurial skills and activities.

Strategy is achieving an objective selecting a set of resources and activities.

In order to penetrate the potato the various means were:

l.  Penetrate one side, when the straw became softer, bore at the other side using the other side of yet still stiff straw;

2.  Benchmark the others, imitate what they are doing.

3.  Use force;

4.  Do it slowly, screw the potato slowly

5.  Push and pull slowly  ('that is how JP describes it)

                                  Alvin did it first

                                   Working hard on the challenge

                                  Evan and Athens came in next

                                   JP, Nelle and Lea

                                  I got the potatos back;  to be used for potato salad