Showing posts with label Learning agreement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Learning agreement. Show all posts

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Learning agreement - J Orbeta


Personal Data  -  Learning Agreement                                                                                                
Student Data                                                                    
                                                                                                                  Date: July 29, 2012
Name:  JENNIFER IVY M ORBETA    Cell Phone No. 0917 8673390   Email:
Educational Attainment:
                                                     School                        Year                            Course              Honors
Post Graduate             AGSB                                      2013                  MBA-Standard    
Undergraduate            UST                                            2003             AB Comm Arts          
                                                                                                         Cum Laude
Special Skills:             Dancing, Make-Up Application
Hobbies:                      Travelling, Beauty and Bridal and High Fashion Make-Up, Cooking, Reading
Work Experience
Company                                Position/Responsibility                Period                     Achievement
UNILAB    Product Promotions Associate           2007-present     Top Outstanding Performer (TOPs-2009)
Diethelm Keller  Medical Information Specialist   2003-2007         MIS of the Year-Phil & Asia (2005)
Business / Enterprise Experience: _____Pharmaceutical and Food_________________________________________________
Business Plan Topic in Mind: Events Planning, Food, Beauty Care, Nail Salon   
1.  Notable Achievement/s.
_________________________________Unilab Top Outstanding Performer Awardee ____________________________________________________Achieved MIS of the Year both in the Philippines and Asian Region
2.  Failures (if any?)
___________Food Cart Business __________________________________________________________________________
3.  Dark secrets, if any:
___________I secretly love to sing but :)_________________________________________
4.  SELF ANALYSIS (WHERE AM I NOW?) (Related to Entrepreneurship)
                                    STRENGTHS                                                             WEAKNESSES
HABITS           ___________Passionate, Hardworking,                            Delegation                    Resilient______________________      ________________________________
                        _________________________________      ________________________________                                            _________________________________      ________________________________
                        _________________________________      ________________________________
ATTITUDE      _positive thinker,                                           impatient                                          Integrity________________________________     ________________________________                                            _________________________________     ________________________________
                         _________________________________     ________________________________                                            _________________________________     ________________________________       
SKILLS            __People and Communication                             Planning skills  Skills_______________________________     ________________________________
                         _________________________________     ________________________________
 _________________________________     ________________________________
KNOWLEDGE __Competing and Winning________                  Managing Change_________
                         _________________________________     ________________________________
                         _________________________________     ________________________________                                            _________________________________     ________________________________
a. Personal Vision Statement:  To be the first and the best entrepreneur in the family.
b. Personal Mission Statement:
* To own and successfully manage businesses and enterprises specializing in areas of food, events, beauty and healthcare.
c. Desired Material Reward  for the next 5 years
* 3 condo units for rent at least 15,000 per month/unit
* 1 vehicle
* Own a house and lot in 5 years
                                    WHAT                            HOW TO GET THERE                   WHO WILL HELP
(position/ annual salary,                                                                          YOU GETTHERE?
perks, cars, house/ wealth)
 Year 1           condo     stock investments, business, trading, buy and sell               Stock mentors, family
 Year  2          condo      stock investments, business, trading, buy and sell               Stock mentors, family
 Year 3          condo/establishment         stock investments, business, trading, buy and sell               Stock mentors, family
Year 4   condo   stock investments, business, trading, buy and sell               Stock mentors, family
Year 5   condo/ establishment/car           stock investments, business, trading, buy and sell               Stock mentors, family
6.  What will be the value if any of the subject, to your profession?
This elective is very important because I am planning to start a business with my AGSB classmates after we finish our MBA.
8.  What grade do you expect?  I hope and pray to get a 4.0. J wishful thinking
9.  How will you get the grade that you expect?  Come to class on time, participate in the discussion, and submit all requirements and submit an excellent business plan.
              I undertake to abide by this learning agreement.
     Jennifer Ivy M Orbeta                                                             July 29, 2012
    Students Printed Name/Signature                                                     Date

l.  Please come on time.  If you are late for more than 30 minutes, you will treat the class.  If you are late for more than l hour you are marked late.  Assignments are also to be submitted on time.

2.  Please switch your phone to silent mode.  If your phone rings, you will treat the class!  Focus   and participation is expected while in class.  Please  avoid twitting or doing your  or other social media  activity during class hours.  You may be asked to leave the class. N. B.  

3.  NU l2 and Factors Paper may be emailed to a blogspot address that shall be given in the class.  However, the learning agreement and the business plan shall be submitted in hard copy form.  For the business plan, you are enjoined to submit the required partial output so that you may be properly guided mentored on building the business plan.

4.  The powerpoint slides can be viewed/downloaded from slideshare.  You may view them ahead of time, or review them as the need arises.  The link is 
5.  Submission of other assignments:

         l.  All special reports are to be delivered in class using powerpoint or video.  No hard copy is needed.  However, the soft copy shall be uploaded at slideshare, and the URL emailed to the professor.

           2.  All group reports shall be presented orally to the class.  All except the crimes soft copy shall be emailed to the professor. and/or sent to the professors blog.

The professors shall post at the blog acceptable assignments.  and the grade might be indicated at the blog.  If you dont see your assignment at the blog, you have to redo your assignment. Please include the following tags:  your name, entrepreneurship at Ateneo, AGSB, profjorge.entrep.
           3,  The final business plan is due 30 days after the end of the semester.  This is all ready an extended deadline because before business plan were submitted at the end of the quarter.  The business plan shall be submitted in hard copy.  The 4.00 paper may be left behind as examplars.  They shall be graded as 70% as to completeness and compliance to the suggested format, and 30% on the innovativeness and uniqueness of the product of the business, business model, or product or service.

5.  Please read the syllabus very well. As graduate students, you are mature and responsible individuals We shall designate a class secretary whose duty will be to make sure that the timelines are met, the reporters are properly scheduled.  No "akala" or questions regarding what  is written here, if missed by the student shall be entertained..

6.  Please take note that any changes in this syllabus, or non conformance to this will require approval from the authorities.

7.  In reading this, this means you have understood and will do what is required herein.

Learning Agreement- M.Dagdag

Personal Data  -  Learning Agreement
Student Data                                                                    
Date:  July 28, 2012
Name: Martino Rafael T. Dagdag
Cell Phone No:0917 8150451
Business Address:  Chemlux Inc. Bldg 4A CCMC Compound Western Bicutan Taguig City
 Current Position: Product Specialist
Residence Address:  8707 Diamante St. Marcelo Green Village, Paranaque City
Educational Attainment:
Post Graduate
Ateneo de Manila University
University of Santo Tomas
BS Food Technology
Best Thesis Presentation Winner
Special Skills:
Hobbies: Photography, Drawing, Painting, Football
Work Experience
Chemlux Inc.
Product Specialist
Manage various Product lines and Improve Brand Image of Company
 Spearheaded ISO Certification
Coca Cola Bottlers Phil Inc.
Quality Assurance Specialist
 Ensures Product Quality Conform to Company Standards
Business / Enterprise Experience:
 Food Safety, cGMP, Cleaning & Sanitation Chemicals
Business Plan Topic in Mind:
Food Manufacturing, Food Service, Sports Retail or Photography and Layout services
1.  Notable Achievement/s.
Spearheaded the Parish youth concert in 2009 & 2011.
2.  Failures (if any?)
3.  Dark secrets, if any:
4.  SELF ANALYSIS (WHERE AM I NOW?) (Related to Entrepreneurship)
Creativity is my strength. My Creativity has expanded from art to problem solving; To developing unique ideas for marketing and business.
I find it hard to say "No". I should learn to know my limits
I believe my habit being observant and attention to details make a good entrepreneur. Some people tease me of being OC or obsessive compulsive but I think that it is a way to showing customer service and better quality products
I think I am a very ambitious person. I have high hopes and dreams. I feel very fulfilled when I reach these goals. As a result I always work hard to achieve this goals. In business, this attitude will keep me focused.
My skills in Photography and layout give me a marketing advantage.
My knowledge in Food Technology gives me a grasp on the industry while my MBA knowledge will help me run a business more efficiently
a.    Personal Vision Statement: 
To be a happy and successful entrepreneur, employer, son, brother, friend, (and in the future: a husband and father)
b. Personal Mission Statement:
To be able to help others improve their way of life and be an instrument of God to help others feel His love.
c. Desired Material Reward for the next 5 years – SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-Based)
How to get There
Who will help you get there?
Year 1
Start my own business venture
Study buinessplan
Family and Friends
Year 2
Achieve a positive cash flow
Continuously take care of the business
Family , Friends, new employees
Year 3
Purchase new equipment needed for business operations
Study needed equipment for better operation efficiency
Family, Friends, employees
Year 4
Increase product offerings to a new line
Study further market needs and wants
Family, Friends, employees
Year 5
Trip Abroad
(To Reward myself for a good 5 years) Ensure business is profitable
Family and Friends
6.  What will be the value if any of the subject, to your profession?
The value this subject brings me is that I can apply the lessons to the family businesses and second, this can be my base to start my own business
8.  What grade do you expect?
9.  How will you get the grade that you expect? 
By participating in class discussions and  submitting all the requirements. 
              I undertake to abide by this learning agreement.
______________________________                                    ________________
    Students Printed Name/Signature                                                     Date