Showing posts with label MMC.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MMC.. Show all posts

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Schedule for next Saturday, March 16, 2013

Angono, Rizal   PHL   |  March 9, 2013

                               JP Molina at my back, future Finacc Professor at AGSB?

What significant event took place on March 16 400+ years ago?

This Saturday, I understand we hold the usual PM class and our schedule shall be:  2 entrep guests, some more discussions on bp and other left subject matters. And financial.  I have invited a Sentrep student, JP Molina a CPA, and an accounting manager for a wine company, to help the class navigate the accounting spreadsheet, and review the finance and accounting lessons/principles.

Dra. Gina promised to invite Rose Montenegro of Makati Med to be the Entrep Guest on the last Day to talk on how she turned around MMC despite being a non Medic. She is a Six Sigma black belter though.   I look forward to that. She is married to an AdeMU schoolmate way back -  our class Valedictorian

                                 Is Rose going to be our guest on the last day?