Showing posts with label Malate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Malate. Show all posts

Saturday, June 22, 2024

As continuation of triple celebration we went to legendary restaurant run by Engracia Reyes - Aristocrat Resto

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Three members of the family celebrated birthday this June:   may daughter, my in heaven hipag.  So they brought us to a famous restaurant in Malate Manila along Roxas Blvd.    It was full, refurbished:   new furniture and  utensils, new uniform of staff, focus on cleanliness and customer experience.   We took a function room to accommodate 50 guests.   

I guess they did a great effort to reposition the brand.  Many old time favorites become has been and fail to live in the present and be competitive.  Management become complacent and eventually close.  

Gongratulations  Inang Aciang Reyes.  Mabuhay ang Resto ninyo.