Showing posts with label Mariko Francia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mariko Francia. Show all posts

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Analysis of the Pranav Case by Mariko Franca

[Good day Prof Jorge.  I am re-sending my Analysis on the Pranav Case just in case you did not receive last time.  Thank you!]

1.  Tell whether the problem is strategic or functional and then explain why.

     The Pranav case is a strategic problem because the main problem of owners Karlo Nisce and Mark Orbos is very low sales.  There were already tell-tale signs of failure based on their observations prior to putting up their store and from their professors which they did not heed.  Two main reasons stated in the case are their target customers and their location.

    First, let us look at their target customers who are men.  Personal care industry experts said that it will take 2-3 or 5 years before the male segment will fully develop.  There were some stores they identified that were "For Men" that already closed down.  The men they saw who went to the salon and spa usually went with females.

      Second is their location.  Their professor already told them that their location in Galleria is bad.  Not only is it not part of the traffic flow, many of their competitors are at the Ground Floor and therefore much more visible than Pranav which is at the 3rd floor.

2.  Should you separate the business into two – spa and salon?

     Separating the business into two will mean changing the business model of the company.  If I was the owner and I would like to stick to my goal which is to have a one-stop shop for men personal care then I will not divide my business.  Pranav is the first of its kind in the Philippines and is considered a pioneer.  Being a one-stop shop is Pranav's competitive advantage so Nisce and Orbos should find a way to emphasize this to the customers.  If the personal care experts' predictions are true, then Pranav would be at the advantage in 3 to 5 years because they already have the technology, the space, and the system.  In addition, the owners have a deadline to meet if they want to graduate so they just need to come up with strategies that will turn the business around.  As stated in the case, both are "strapped of resources and in deep need of working capital" so they have to make use of what they have and probably try to cut down on some expenses.  This being said, I therefore recommend the following alternatives:

a)  Increase focus on the salon services and decreasing those for spa.  By only cutting down resources for the spa, the owners will still be able to provide spa service to the customers who want to have this experience while increasing the profit they can generate from the salon services.  In time, the demand for spa service might grow and because they already have the system in place it will be easier for them to rehabilitate this portion of their business.

b)  Do better bundling of the salon services with those of spa.  For example, Pranav can offer free classic haircut if a customer will avail of a spa service.  Or they can have a free 15-minute spa experience for first time customers who go in to avail of any of the salon services.  By having an attractive package deal, customers will see more value for their money and will be tempted to try it at least once.  This will attract those who want to also experience spa but does not have enough money for it.  If the customer loves the experience then he will be sure to come back despite the competition at the ground floor.

c)  If they want to stick to an all-male target market then they can offer a seasonal package deal of a "Bring One Pay One" for couples, father-daughter, mother-son, boy-girl friends.  The condition is that if the male customer brings a female with him, they only need to pay for one service, a 50% rate, the equivalent of the service charge of 10%, etc.  They can probably offer their cheapest spa service to the female but if the latter wants to avail of a more expensive service then they will pay more.  This way, they are retaining their "for men" image but using the female sex as the factor to attract the male customers.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Reminders for August 13, 2012

Hi Mariko,

Sorry for the delay. My business plan topic is a wine bar. Just in case I made a mistake in sending my inspirational video, here is the address:

From: Abi .. <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, 8 August 2012, 21:35
Subject: Re: [agsb_entreps10] Reminders for August 13, 2012

Hi mako! my business plan topic is invitation make (designs and create invitation cards for events like weeding and birthdays. thanks! ~ abi

ps. i'll send my factors paper and nu12 soon. thanks

From: Mariko Franca <>
To: Entrep Class YGroups <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2012 4:05 PM
Subject: [agsb_entreps10] Reminders for August 13, 2012

Good afternoon classmates!

I hope you are all safe.  Here are the reminders and assignments due next week:

I.  Group Activity
1.  New ID Prototype
     - Create a prototype of the new ID you and your partner came up with last week during the seatwork exercise.

2.  "Food trip"
     - As a group, think of two kinds of food -- one sweet & one sour -- that you will prepare in class.
     - Sir will bring bell pepper & strawberry (or mango if he can't buy strawberry) that we need to include in the food/s.
     - Bring all ingredients, utensils, & equipment that you need.
     - Some of the questions you need to answer in class are the following:
          a)  What did you prepare?
          b)  What is the theme of your food? (if you have)
          c)  Why is it a good dish?

II.  Individual
1.  NU12 #3
2.  Outline of Business Plan
     - Send me thru e-mail your outline because I will collate everything and submit to sir.
 <put something, some thoughts in your outline JUS>
III.  Other Reminders:
1.  NU12 #s 1 & 2
2.  Factors Paper
3.  Learning Agreement
4.  Business Plan Topic
     - I already sent the first batch to sir and can be viewed at
     - For those who are not included in the list, send me a text or e-mail with your topic.

5.  Inspirational Videos
     - The last day of presenting your inspirational videos to the class is next week.
     - Email the link of your video and/or embed code at youtube thru blogsend to (the embed code must be clickable.I found problem with Abigai link)

Due to the problems in sending thru blogsend in the past, please send future assignments (NU12, factors paper, learning agreements, etc except inspirational video) to

I hope I have not forgotten anything.

Take care everyone and see you next week!


Recent Activity:
