Showing posts with label Nelly See. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nelly See. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Nelly See of Pinkbox doesnt need to enroll at ME!

Room 210 APS building, Rockwell Center, Makati City March 2013

                                    Nelly See at Anjanette birthday bash

Her not so small business is Pinkbox One of her babies

 Nelly See did not have a lecture or a presentation.  But she spoke spontaneously from the heart, and which deeply reflect her love for her business and deep personal mastery of the business.  Nelly See's story is very electrifying and inspiring to entrepreneur wanna bees especially to mom who are bored with staying in the house waiting for their husbands to come home. And "hatid sundo to her children"

She had 4 kids and was having post partum depression and her husband wanted her to do something.  She upon egging of her husband attended seminars and joined SunLife as financial advisor to sell financial instruments.  She was good at it and eventually got bored too.

Her turning point in her life came when by mistake (due to miscommunication) after her trip to China with her husband (who is an indentor) she had P762,000 worth of hair accessories  (she only wanted several pieces for her children).  Out of desperation, she had to dispose off these merchandise and even had to look for warehouse (her father who is into manufacturing) to store the containerful of hair pins and hair accessories.  All she wanted to do was to sell the stuff and then close down the business. (she later changed her mind when she heard the cash register!

Immediately she did the following:

l.  Looked for a kiosk in Ayala Mall

2.  Had a brand name:  Pinkbox

3.  Think of ways on how to dispose her hair pins and other hair accessories.

She did find a kiosk and although the rent was astronomic:  P85,000 in November l, P100,000 in Christmas and back to P85,000.00 afterwards.   Her sales girl was her maid;  she sold P81,000 on November l, 2002.

The rest is history:  she even when into franchising.  She has 30 company owned stores either at Robinson or SM or Ayala and 40 franchise.  She had gone a long way from just being a housewife.  Thus when she said that she is going to enroll at ME, I said maybe there is no need.  She has done more than enough to show that she is blue true grit entrepreneur.   The ME diploma can not fully capture what she has done.  Not many can follow her footsteps.  She did great.

Some of the insights:

l.  Some of the best people you have may not have a degree or are within the organization  Her GM before was in operations, and a second year engineering student.  But she did great as a GM

2.  You really have to think of something new for the business every day.

3.  You never ever give up.  Giving up is not an option.

4.  Attending seminars like that in CCE exposed her to many practitioners in retail. 

5.  Build leaders within your organization.  Be sure you and your people are on the same boat.

6.  Never take no for an answer.  Whenever her supplier says that her design is not possible, she says it is bad bad bad.


l.  Most sought design in PHL is butterfly, second is flower

2.  In China you have good and bad suppliers:  but the good supplier have Class A, B, C and they will provide what you want.

3.  Guandong is a retail center.  But you can buy bulk and cheap in  Yiwu.


I am sure, many moms in the class changed their outlook after her speech. All things are possible.

     The guest entrepreneur receives certificate and token from PSG:  Drs Tim, Elsie, Lanie and Apple

                        The Pink Box website flashed on the screen;  Dr. Tim listening intently

                                Dra Apple and Ms. Nellie Sy

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Three Great Entrepreneur Guests of MBAH 10B, March 23, 2013 all agree - new ideas propel business

Rm 210, APS Building, Rockwell Center Makati City March 23, 2013

                                 Nelly See -from Mom to Mall retail tycoon

The MEntrep Class of MBAH 10 B on its last session had three great entrepreneur guests:   Nelly See of Pink Box,  Dr. Gary Bunagan of  Green Bean Organic Coffe Corp, and Raymund Arnold S  Alberto of RASA Surveying

They were all great entrepreneurs who had something great to share with the entrepreneur wannabees in the class.  It was too bad it was the last day of class.  Each one should have at least 3 sessions with the class;  but then again we had to pay them.

Nelly See did not have any power point nor notes but she was very comprehensive and very detailed on how she started her business out of desperation just to sell/get rid of  P762,000 worth of hair accessories that were mistakenly ordered due to language difficulty.  She said she applied to MBE.  My remark was that she did not need this.  She might need it for certification purposes.  But the fact that she has 30 corporate store and more than 40 franchise means she does not need MBA. { Maybe ACE/MBE should give her instead a doctorate honoris causa instead)

Dr. Gary Bunagan seem to be approaching his coffee beans like a serious hobby.  Still he could not leave the opthalmologist profession behind.  But the amount of time and the study that he put into the green coffee beans, and the kind of expansion they had undergone: to TMC, to H2 hotels, having SPA on the second floor of a building.  Having branches in Davao, exporting Cacao to Europe, giving jobs to San Isidro farmers in Isidro Davao Oriental (fortunately I saw the large cacao plantation there and Nestle purchasers told me, it is not worth their while to buy cacao from there)

RASA headed by Raymund Arnold S Alberto, brod of Bong Villamor at UP ME frat is the leader in surveying in the PHL, even employing a drone to conduct aerial survey.  He has a gone a long way from just dreaming to set up his own business on the way home to Ilocos after graduation. That was his only resource:  his Dream and his Passion to Achieve it.

Did the class note something very common among the three?  Yes it is about innovation.  New ideas daily... Nelly had to sometimes wake up her GM during the unholy hours lest she forget the new idea. Gary had to think of other opportunities to increase revenues and expand.  RASA always attend conventions abroad to be abreast of leading technology.  And yet we only have one new idea weekly....

Thank you guest entrepreneurs for great sharing.

Nelly See 

                                    Nelly See poses with her sponsoring group

                               Nelly See - are entrepreneurs born or made?

Dr. Gary Bunagan, eye Doctor at St Lukes Medical Center

                                Nelly See listens to Dr Gary

                                  Learning from great stories and books

                        Other book mentors of Dr. Gary;  try to read them esp Rules of Thumb

                      Awarding of Certificate of Appreciation and tokens, Dr. Tamayo is an investor

Raymund Arnold  S. Alberto

                                  UP brods:   RASA and Bong

                                   Picture with the sponsoring group (sorry it is blurred)