Showing posts with label PBBM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PBBM. Show all posts

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Did PBBM promise a P20.00/kg rice

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution 

If we accept reality, the answer is no.   Inputs for rice production is high, the buying price for unmilled rice is almost P20.00 couple that with higher price, cost of transport, marketing margin, then the P50++ rice is fair after doing computation

That we all fell for that cheap gimmickry is another matter, and for the integrity of the person who made that claim to stand up.

What remains for the rest of economic managers:

1.  Make the workers be more productive, so that the wages catch up with high price of rice;
2.   Find rice substitute:   cassava, and research the artificial rice machine of china
3.    Research more ways on how to make rice production more efficient.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Management of water resources

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

It is funny to think that PBBM wishes that there is another entity to manage our water resources.  In the debate with Manny Pacquiao, the boxer mentioned of establishing a water department

Indeed it comes as a surprise that water is in stages of plenty and shortages:   floods and low water supply.  We experience floods and no water at times and indeed are people in relevant jobs doing their tasks well enough

Having travelled abroad, it was observed that in a southern continent country there are sips, small impounding ponds to control floods flow and store water for the dry season.   In Singapore, there are underground cisterns required of buildings to collect rainwater during rainy season, and to use the stored water for domestic purposes later on

Yes we can do this here   In the future, the battle for resources will be for water resources.   NWRB!!!

The thing is we do not have to invest in desaination plants  All we have to do is to conserve

This is not a rocket science.  This is a well open, public information