Ateneo Professional School
Makati City July 14, 2016
I just came home from the taping the Disaster Preparedness Episode of ANC Shoptalk that airs every Thursday evening at 11:00 pm. The featured businesses were: Prepper + that sells Go Bags at 4th Floor of Fashion Section of Megamall (the new wing) and Pilipinas 911. My participation there was to supply some of the guide questions to the anchor Ria Cojuangco Trillo. She is a very intelligent hostess and asks difficult question. I also had to make the comments and suggestions on how to improve the business and what the future holds.
These are some of the questions I made for Prepper +. It is is as though the business is under a strama scrutiny, or analysis is made for the business plan
I had to research late into the night studying the case and the business. I made some questions which I hope would help the entrepreneurs analyze deeper their business (and not more difficult for them) I hope this does not appear like a Strama panel defense questions
1. Business name and concept
1. Why the name preppers? Why the + ? Are you referring to the Doomsday or Survival Preppers?
Are the Philippine preppers your advocates (there are about 20,000+ members?
2. Are your assumptions about the business when you planned it correct vs reality as you operate your business now? With regards to PTM and the use of the product?
2. Industry:
1. How big is the industry? How many are you in the business?
2. Is it an attractive industry? Is the volume large enough and are the margins Ok
3. Threat of competition:
1. Are there barriers to entry? Are they large enough to discourage competition?
1. From lessors (they have it all)
2. Suppliers
3. Wannabees (those who want to have share of the pie if the industry is big)
4. Substitute products - if they know the contents of the go bag, the prospects can make their own
3. PTM (Primary Target Market)
Let us assume you trying to find through Customer and Market Research to find out who buy from you:
1. From SEC (ABCDE segment) A and B?
2. From MM and those areas that were hard hit by floods?
The assumption is that the victims and only those who can afford the products are buying? CDE buyers and those from the province wont be buying possibly.
3. There are those who say that preppers are of 3 types:
1. emergency responders, the 2 Mcgyvers (the campers outdoor people) 3. the hardcore survivalists (apocalyptic) Do you agree?
4. What is the actual use/purpose of the go buyers:
1. For emergency
2 For the car
3. For vacation (trip to Boracay/Palawan)
4. Just in case.
4. Product:
Buyers know about your products because of:
1. website
2. promos/events
3. ads
4. Megamall location
1. The Preppers say that the go bag (Bug or Bag Out) must meet the 3 requirements of survival; air food and water
Does your bag conform to this. (That within t72 hours, 3 days, the govt and other emergency workers can not respond and your go bag must let you survive for 3 days)
2. Most go bags have 30 items; Does your go bag contain them:
1. Tools for cutting, setting up tent
2. Water, water filtration
3. Food for 3 days
4. Sleeping gear: space blanket and tent
5. maps and direction finder
6. Fishing hunting gear
3. The price of Walmart Go Bag is $30 basic and $300 premium. Are you competitive
4. Other substitute products:
My umbrella by Catherine Hooper:
Go cards (tel # of whom to contact) rescue, relatives; data storage: cost $750
Go Plans (how to react in emergency)
Food stockpile planners
Will you plan to expand into these?
Opportunities: the disaster Threat: sometimes no disaster, entry of new competitors, subsitue products
Strength: located at Megamall, being first Wekaness: the other founders are not active. few products
Biboy is an ACE graduate
1. More education and communication Prepper is a life insurance, you buy it when you still do not need it. But when disaster strikes..... you cant fiind one
2. Instill more fear of disaster;
3. Partiicipate in govt events drills, NDRRMC collaboration