Showing posts with label SPADA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SPADA. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Our case analysis last night at Sentrep

Room 402, AGSB Salcedo, H de la Costa St., Makati City Philippines | January 29, 2013

We had the first individual oral case analysis last night.  I would consider that the performance of the student in critical thinking, grasping the facts cogently, is the acid test of whether an MBA student can really be called a master.  I had to explain again the critical thinking process from the slideshare lecture on Personal Mastery.

I had to explain the SPADA process (which many still are stranger to and PPA - Potential Problem Analysis)

The typical case analyses are that these a are functional problems:   marketing - that the owner should market the abattoir;   that the entrepreneur should market his lechon burger.   Financial -  that he could not borrow because of previous problem with the bank.

Others pointed out that this a case of which of the business is most profitable.

One suggested that this is really a strategic problem (which was good observation) however fell of the cliff when asked what is the right choice.  She said that it is the buying and selling part.  But how much is the margin?  What is the downside.

Other suggested that the protagonist is confused and does not know his direction for having so many businesses.

The class sec said that is about value chain.  The owner collects/connects business units in support of the ultimate value chain.

Which side are you on?