Showing posts with label Sentrep V2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sentrep V2. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Second Session for Sentrep at HV de la Costa Campus

                                    Group members conversing for the debate next week

Despite the typhon last Sunday, the cancellation of classes in other classes, as they say in show biz, the show must go on, classes at AGSB went on.  It is difficult to make up for lost class hours;   because of tight schedules.  Students are unwilling to undertake make ups. 

What did we do:

l.  The new id.  Students were grouped in pairs and to analyze:

     the present use and function of IDs

     new functions and design of IDs.

2.  Conversation mapping for various topics:


     creative imitation




I brought  colored cartolina, pens and crayons to stimulate creative thinking

3.  Inspirational video presentation by Catherine, Martha, Ana, Mariko, Hannah, and Marty

All in all, it was a great session.  We were not able to finish the three way debate on:  Entreps are born, made or accidental.  However, we have the rules all ready set for the next meeting

Next week:   we have the illegal activity project,  and the debate plus the continuation of  inspirational video presentation.   The mock up submission of new ID is deferred for week after.

                            Laptops, websearch is OK for conversation mapping

                               AJ, Maica, and Abigail doing invention

                               This map very well captures the subject

                           The pitcher throwing a curved  ball; every product needs a pitch