Showing posts with label agri. Show all posts
Showing posts with label agri. Show all posts

Monday, February 20, 2023

Entrepreneurship should be taught to farmers - FAO expert

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

This was said by the late Dr. Tito Contado, a from UP Los Banos and an expert who worked for FAO for a long time  He said  that what the agency promoted was subsistence farming.  Coupled with land reform that decreased the farmholdings of farmers, this posed serious obstacle in progress of agriculture. 

Instead he said, the agency should have taught farmers to be entrepreneurs, ie to be self sufficient.  With a single crop planted the  farmers are idle while waiting for the harvest.  If the farmer produces just a single crop, where does he get his other needs?  To buy these he needs to borrow even at usurious rates for his consumption

Thus farmers on their own must think for themselves at their own initiative, other businesses and exploit opportunities

Thus excess production of crops leading to waste leading to losses of capital need not happen  It is always govt govt fault.  Take note that govt can only initiate.   The rest is up to the farmers  He must solve his problems and find solutions.  Thus problem of storage:   organize cooperative for cold storage.  Excess production of vegies:   say tomato bottling, tomator paste making    Or cabbage -  make kimchi   Or poultry:    or pork ----> processed meat.

We have many schools and agencies teaching entrepreneurship or entreprenueria mindset   Let us do this

Top businessmen shift to Agricultural Production

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Realizing the importance of food security in nation building and for the uncertain times, two notable moves were published:    MPIC investing in an agri concern, a real estate and construction mogul resigning to head into agri

We need more of our talents to do this.  And more investments

When still in academe, I tried albeit vainly to connect an agri govt school to connect with the GSB.  
It should be pursued.   

This post admire the  move of KSA to invest heavily in agriculture turning dessert to bloom for self sufficiency in agri and even exports.  

Why cant we do this?   (Because of graft?   I remember the  time when I got invitation  (albeit in a talk talk situation) to run a farmers bank.    Was I glad I hehawed or did not even consider this.   The Pres at that time was involved in agri funds scandal.   

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Example of Opportunity Seeking (or finding) by my uncle in Agri

Entrepreneurship creates new products and higher quality of life

Rizal Philippines
January 7, 2016

I was with my uncle whom I did not meet for quite a while  (about 5 years) although his office is along the path of bike route.  They are engaged in agri ventures supplying feeds and chicken in the likes of Jollibee and Andoks.  Before, he raised dogs and fighting cocks.

He insisted that our lunch consisted of chicken because that is his business.  There is no argument about that.  I learned the following:

1.  His connection and acquaintances included Sandy Jaiver (whom I told was a classmate in college and owns Andok),xxxxPineda of Lubao Pampanga, Joemar Hizon;

2.  His current business of broiler as supplier of major food chain cant compete on the basis of cost and volume with the majors:   Bounty Tresh, RFM, and even CP (the biggest food conglomorate in Thailand.  They were into buying spree of land before, now on JB and contract growing)   /He also plans to expand into egg laying.

3.  He found out that there were hobbies and interests which he later found out to be profitable.

     1.  Sheep raising. He bought a pair and 10 others for P300,000.  After five years and spending P15,000 for labor a month on the shepherd, he was able to sell the entire stock for P1,800,000.  He must have earned about P700,000 for the hobby. It was something that is is not earth shaking, not known by every body, but which one can earn money from.  It is an opportunity that did not manifest itself right away to him

    2. Cattle grazing and growing.  He has a herd grazing in public land and spends about P15,000 a month for the cowhands (3 families)  He has about 70 right now and in five years, if lucky he would have 300 heads.  Each head would sell for P40,000.  The grazelands are best where the access road are difficult. Thus he has a Toyota FJ 40 4x4 which he uses when he visits his flock.  He intends to sell them not as a lot but weekly to butchers and meat dealers

Would you have such similar experience where there are opportunities that eventually earned money for you.