Showing posts with label aliens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label aliens. Show all posts

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Business and success lessons from movie "Battleship"

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

This post happened to watch "Battleship" at a video streaming app.  There are several lessons that are related to success and or business strategy:

  1.  Technology, even old ones can be used to defeat competition and/or adversary

       When communications radar and other facilities were jammed, locating the enemy alternataive
       was through the tsunami warning system of the Japanese.

       Even USS Missouri battleship 70 years old was useful in destroying the enemy.

      Conversely, high technology, if there are more superior alien technology cant defeat the enemy

2.  No one is ever too old or too young to contribute towards a goal

    Hooper was not too young.

    The USS Missouri officers were not too old to run an old ship and fire their cannons.  (when 
     the destroyer John Paul Jones was destroyed by alien firepower.

    The crippled (but with prosthetic Lt Commander black retired Navy officer  (who had self doubts
     in the beginning was very useful in fighting the aliens

3.  Every strong adversary have weakness and chinks in their armor.

    That was all that was needed by Hopper to defeat the aliens:  ie that they hate bright lights  Sun
    So they took them on battle facing the sunset or sun rise.  Being blinded by bright light was
    used to the hilt and to the advantage by Hooper.

4.  Those who were weak become strong

     It was said in Corinthings.  I am weak now I am strong.   That was Hooper.

5.  The difficulties with personal life can be tougher than the job or challenges.

     Like Hooper getting the OK of the Father in Law commander.