Showing posts with label chef. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chef. Show all posts

Saturday, January 19, 2013

MBAH 10 B creative activity - culinary arts

APS Rockwell. Rom 210.   January 19, 2013

The proof of the cooking is in the eating.  Need we say more on the food that was created by the class?

The 2nd and 3rd group creative activities for MBAH 10B entrep class involved:   product design and product protyping. The product design would be the menu and the name (to be submitted to Dra Gina) and the prototyping would be the food prepared... For this I bought bell pepper (the expensive ones) and strawberries (the large imported ones)   This cost me as it does for the Entrep students.

The students would prepare two dishes:   one sweet and one sour using these two major ingredients.
Dra Gina Nazareth was assigned as the judge.  She declared in her inspirational video that she is a certified chef.!!!  Her criteria included taste, appearance, food hygiene and handling, texture and audience impact.  At the end of the day, she said they were all good.  (Save for one of the brutal comment of a classmate to another group that their strawberry  with cream.... was....hahaha)

The class was ready after 45 minutes;  then they presented and made their pitch.  Dra Gina had taste test after.

                            Dr. Sherwin leads the class in the buffet;   lunchtime

                              The class poses with the creation

                              That's Dra Arnyl hurrying up for the group picture

The Pitch

The pitch is an important part of product launch.  You have to "alok"  You have to have a product name and you have to pound the benefits:   taste appearance, health, nutritional value of the product.  If your customer do not get the message or you make a lousy pitch, then you do not sell the product.

                           Dr Apple says that a product is nothing more than a mixture of ingredients....

                   This group was complete with menu, wine bottle and costume. That is Roslyn

         Dr. Abel, after putting out the fire,makes the pitch for the group;  he is becoming a pitcher

                                  Dra Thea, Lala and Judith make the pitch for their group

Pictures of the dishes

                              Luscious red bell pepper and strawberries

                                  Many pictures of face (food) book?

                            Fine dining presentation

                              This dish tastes great...

                                Dr Sherwin's group strawberry with cream sauce.