Showing posts with label creation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creation. Show all posts

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Forecast in 2023 - it is going to be hard, but there are plenty of opportunities

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Crisis that toppled Credit Suisse Bank

It is going to be difficult.  Consider the external environment:   Ukraine Russia war, global climate change disasters:   earthquake, super typhoons, global energy challenge, bank runs in US and Europe

After 3 bank runs in US:  Silvergate, Silicon Valley and Signature, came Credit Suisse Bank, the oldest and 2nd biggest in Switzerland  It was bought by UBS, the biggest Swiss bank for only $3 B plus.  The $50 billion credit facility offered by Swiss National Bank failed to stave off bank run for CSB.  

What was bad, the deal zeroed $17 billion of bondholders.    Switzerland image as haven for world wealth would become uncertain, and certainly no longer the citadel, safe haven for your hard earned money

The net effect of this is the lose of faith and trust on the banking system world wide, and this is bad because bank is the core of capitalism and without that trust.  

Not to be left behind and shivering due to scandals like CSB is Deutsche Bank.   Just like CSB:  accused on ML cases, tax evasion, etc.   

Thus what are we going to do -  languish suffer and wait for cards to fall due to this banking crisis.  Certainly not.   We need to be entrepreneurial.

1.  There are problems to be solved  - poverty, credit, global change, waste management, energy
2.  Opportunities -  occasion to make money and create more wealth.  Take note that China minted many billionaires during the pandemic
3.  Leadership opportunities to solve the worldwide woes
4  There are industries that recession proof:  energy, shelter, clothing, food, and health care, tourism, transportation, hospitality

We see many opportunities to save and earn more money:   solar lamps, rider type lawn mower for maintenance, excavator for one of our processes. 

It is not over for the whole world   

Habang may buhay, may pag asa, may negosyo.  May pag yaman

Habang may buhay  

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Our class yesterday at Spentrep in H de la Costa - October 21, 2013


Creation and Miracle.

After the usual prayer, I discussed with the class our participation in continuing creation (as mentioned in Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 26, ie that man "shall gain dominion" over God's creation.   How do we participate in creation?  Merely planting trees or procreating children?  New products and ideas coming from our imagination, creative synthesis, is creation.   A memo,  a poem, a marketing plan, a drawing, a product is a creation.  The assignment submitted, the group work made, the picture composed and taken is a creation.

Miracle:   those seemingly impossible tasks are miracles.   The treatment by doctors and pharma meds are miracles.   The college graduate made possible by selling taho or recycled plastic is a miracle.  Miracles did not just happen during the time of Jesus Christ, but is happening on continuous daily basis.

Initiatives for Mega Cities

We engaged the class on various projects and initiatives that involves mega cities.  Mega cities, cities with more than 10 million inhabitants, as residents from the countryside continue to pour in in the cities as the multitude look for convenient and comfortable life, if not steady source of income.  Agriculture is hard and demeaning and people will, with education will look for better high paying jobs.  And there is no way we can stop the trend.

There will be multitude of problems involving:





waste disposal


The 4 groups were assigned to come up in rapid succession (no screening) ideas on how to address the above issues.  The class came up with a lot of bright ideas.  The four groups took on housing, energy, waste disposal, and transportation.

I mentioned that we are taking up entrepreneurship and MBA, so that next time the problem crops up, we do not engage in blame the govt routine.   "Kasi the govt did not provide this...." 

"Ask not what the country can do for you, ask what you can for the country"

The next time there are problems, despite the bureaucracy and resistance to change, we must be ready even with baby steps to address the problems mentioned above.  We have to because in "AGSB, our country is our business"


The group presentation on PDQ continued.  This is the enterprise delivery system of the business plan, SPATRES. Only one of the groups tonight conformed to the guidance to present innovation on the business., as was last week.



As was mentioned we will have no formal exams as with other conventional class but a Jeopardy contest, which is as demanding.  It called for group effort, quick thinking and strategy.    Some groups refused to take risks, and refused to answer.  Those who continued to answer wrongly had negative score.  I think everybody had fun because it was open book and computer.   And everybody was adjusting to the Jeopardy rules.

Congratulations to Group 4 for a lopsided victory and I gave an award of snickers.  Thanks to the creator of class Jeopardy:  Emmanuel and his co host JC

Case analysis

We ran out of time for MC2 and Jose Lontoc case analyses

Sunday, February 24, 2013

What is the distinction among these terms?

APS, Entrep Class, PHL     February 2013

I asked the students to distinguish these terms:






Aren't they very confusing?  The class discussion reveals..