Showing posts with label defense. Show all posts
Showing posts with label defense. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

SMART in strategy

APS, Makati, Philippines

I was at Strama defense early this week.  It was a reoral.   The earlier paper needed a lot of rework because of the lack of understanding by the student of how the business, an insurance broker operated, as we went through the external and internal analysis.    She could not tell, or clarify as to where the Insurance Brokerage gets its customer:   from open market or from the bank.

This time she could not convince the panel, as to whether the 50% growth in sales  (her planned strategic objective) which tops at 21 billion pesos next year could be achieved.   The inputs, the thhroughputs, the outputs, the 4ms, the enterprise delivery system were not clear or some were not available/written donw

Or what is magical about the product/service that would:

1.  draw in a lot of agents;

2.  Have people buy the products/service.

It was not very SMART (specific, measureable, achievable, realistic, and time bound)