Showing posts with label dollar reservies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dollar reservies. Show all posts

Monday, February 20, 2023

Countries that went bankrupt or on the verge of bankruptcy

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Pakistan on brink of bankruptcy

Sri Lanka (the home of Tamil Tigers) was the first.   Second is Pakistan    A well developed country with large population  It has ran out of gas, and currency to import its basic necessity.  

Why does a country go bankrupt?

1.  Lack of revenues;   poor ways and means and tax collection;
2.  Diminished exports
3.  Too much dependence on imported products.

Bad weather and faltering exports have not been kind to Pakistan economy   Dollar reserves stand below $5 billion, its worst.  (compare this to PHL below $100 billion)   Banks have refused to extend LC for its imports    (Can it still rattle saber with India?)

It is still in difficult negotiation with IMF for a $6B bail outs.   The top guys of the country must have rubbed the IMF guys for alleging that the  conditionalities included non nuclear stance of the country ( could be  Why do we lend to a country who could be using the funds to fuel a future of the war, that could endanger the  world)   I does not get too the usual cash assistance from KSA who as fellow Islam country is ready to lend on a phone call  The KSA head impose conditionalities like strict revenue imposition, and financia controls, just like the IMF

How can we avoid being a bankrupt country?