Showing posts with label filmless radiology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label filmless radiology. Show all posts

Sunday, March 17, 2013

How could be a corporate honcho like Rose of MakatiMed be considered an entrepreneur?

Angono, Rizal, PHL by ProfJorgeEntrep  March 17, 2013

Thank you again:   Rose, Classmate Joven, and Dr. Gina Nazareth

 Rose stresses a point;  Joven listens

The least I can do to promote entrepreneurship is to bring them to the class to honor them by letting them share their stories of success and failure with the MBA class, honoring them with certificates, and sharing their stories and their picture at this blogsite.  It may be little effort but the word goes around and the impact may be felt later on:  with the readers of this blog site and or the entrep students.

This is a high leveraged activity of the class group activity and no paper is required for this;  the group gets a 4 for bringing in the entrep guest to the class.  I would say that the speech of the entrepreneurs electifies/ignites the passion in the listeners - to put it mildly.

Last week Dr. Gina mentioned to me that her group would invite Rose of MakatiMed as their guest to which I readily said yes.  Having heard her story last Dec 8, 2012 at the AdeMU grand reunion at the Ateneo High School, and knowing that her story would be a critical knowledge to the owners and administrators of hospitals who are MBAH students, I readily said yes.

Thus she came yesterday  and true enough her story was punctuated by innovation and entrepreneurship:  

On infrastructures:

l.  Simulated lighting by Philips by Philips on windowless rooms;

2.   Panoramic elevators to improve traffic

3.  Murals at the top of lower buidings;

4.  Dividing islands to improve outside traffic flow

5.  Improved lighting at waiting area

6.  New facade and color for the building exterior

7.  New color and furnishing for hospital rooms

8.  Solar powered air con and water heater  (How a solar powered aircon works)

     Solar aircon by California Electronics

9.  New ICT system

10.  Better concessionaires area for benefit of patients

11.  Filmless radiology  (However Dr. Erick, outsourcing the same to the them would be much better)
Filmless radiology  (the article mentions PACS -Picture and Archival and Communications System)

12. Molecular pathology lab,

She steered clear of the mindset of the hotel like accommodations at the hospital because the patient want to be discharged fast and safely (the patient may get infections in the hospital cant he?

On procedures and systems:

1.  Outsourcing collection with banks

2.  Outsourcing drugs to a cooperative (VAT and Income tax free to be competitive with Mercury drugstores;  drugstore would have a reminder to the patient when the prescription needs to be refilled for repeat sales

3.  Bar code for inventory system;

4.  Rationalization of logistics system (supply chain management

 5.  Altering the culture of entitlement

 6.  Call center at MakatiMed

Other new things:

1.  CSR - MoA with Rizal Medical Center

2.  Partnership with provincial hospitals (private and govt? ) for cross referral of patients

N.B.  I have incorporated a number of links on a number of topics to help enlighten the reader on the very new topic

                                Appreciation for Ms. Rose for sharing her knowledge and expertise


I think this the real stuff MBAH should be made of;   learning from the experts. It is seldom you can hear such selfless sharing, passionate engagement with doctors on hard core issues about health and hospital administration.  We wish we had more time.  How I wish we had another semester like this with doctors.

Thus doctors learned more by not spending more and bringing in their guests.  How strategic and how ingenious!