Showing posts with label food trip Spentrep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food trip Spentrep. Show all posts

Friday, March 22, 2013

Food Trip OLO - Camille A. Dela Cruz Spentrep


Mr. Jorge Saguinsin
Food Trip - OLO
Camille A. Dela Cruz

Last March 5, 2013, the whole ENTREP S20 class went to three restaurants/establishments for the food trip – a food market, a Korean restaurant and Goldilocks. Below is the OLO report for the three establishments/venues.
I. What is the business concept; how is it different, unique and how it is delivered to the customers?
A. A-Venue Food Market
The business concept of A-venue Food Market is to provide the most authentic Filipino food to the consumers other than different available nation food. It is different and unique because the food market tried to provide diverse famous Filipino delicacies that come from different parts of the country. Some of the offers were the famous street foods one can find in the Philippines – isaw, fish ball, Betamax, kwek-kwek, etc.
It was a nationalist kind of experience because the market greatly demonstrated the excellent culinary craftsmanship and talent of our Filipino brothers. I also enjoyed the food because it was sumptuous and flavorful; two adjectives that prominently and consistently described Filipino cuisine. The venue was quite casual since it only provided a tent where customers can eat the food they bought. To increase the casual sense, customers were to eat their food on plastic chairs and tables using plastic utensils. The vibe and feel was fun since loud music was played and a stage was provided for a band to entertain the customers. Some stalls cooked the food in front of the eyes of the hungry consumers far much different to a restaurant setting. The foods were also displayed in each stall and no menu is provided to the consumers. Other than Filipino cuisine, the food market also provides famous different Filipino drinks like sago't gulaman, buko pandan, etc. The whole set-up was very similar to the current food market trend in the Philippines like Mercato and Soderno. However, what stood out from the A-Venue food market is the extremely colorful and out of the ordinary lighting in the tent which also added to the fun and exciting vibe of the place. The lighting was actually lamps that were made in the Philippines. The other reason that separates A-venue from the rest is that it not only offers different kinds of food but also a "tiangge" to the customers. The several tiangges sell shoes, clothes, bags, lamps and some were also made in the Philippines. Customers can now shop and relax before or after they eat the delicious food the market offers.
B. Korean Restaurant
The business concept of the Korean restaurant is to offer genuine and original Korean cuisine to those who want to experience it. A lot of Korean restaurants have opened over the past few years around the country but what makes the restaurant different and unique is because it used authentic and fresh ingredients to create the expected sumptuous Korean food. For example, the beef we ate is USDA grade/ type of beef to provide customers the highest quality beef.  The sauces and seasoning were also imported from S. Korea.
Eating in the restaurant actually felt we were in South Korea. The tables were specifically made to follow the manner or way how Korean food is cooked and eaten. There were built-in grills on all the tables so that customers can grill/cook their food like how it is done in South Korea. Korean letterings and pictures were posted on the walls. The menu was in Korean writing but provided English translation. The plates, utensils and cups were similar the things used in Korean restaurants. I was specifically surprised with the "tea water" because in all the Korean restaurants I've eaten this was the only restaurant that offered that product.  I also observed the friendliness the owner of the restaurant showed us. She made small conversations with the customers and cooked some of our food, one quality of owners I rarely see in a dining experience. I've been to many Korean restaurants but this was the only restaurant that really made me feel that I was actually in South Korea, and this I believed was the one thing that separates the restaurant apart from the other Korean restaurants.  The concept was definitely delivered to the customers through the place, things and food; it really felt like the best Korean food experience!
C. Goldilocks
Seeing the products being offered by Goldilocks, I believe its current business concept is to be a one-stop food store, wherein customers can buy food for their families to bring home. Goldilocks has existed for so long and has definitely evolved over the years. Before it used to be a cake/bakery shop but now it doesn't only offer cakes but also pastries and ready to eat meals in packs.
Since it's a one-stop food store, you don't expect the place to have tables and chairs to eat on. That's why when the group decided to have coffee and eat cake, the place could not provide a seating place for us to eat or plates where we can eat on. The dining experience felt awkward and forced hence I don't recommend anyone to bring to Goldilocks if they want have a total dining experience. However, since it's a one-stop food store and not a restaurant, I can say that the selling position of Goldilocks is very unique and different. Other than the usual cake offering, the establishment has changed and offered more on-the-go and take home foods or product lines like ready to eat meals and different kind of pastries.
II. What is the innovation/ new about the food stall or venue?
A. A-Venue Food Market
As mentioned above, the one thing that sets A-venue Food Market apart from other food markets in the Philippines is that the place provides live band entertainment and the lights were more lively and colorful.  They also had tiangges that sell clothes, shoes, lamps, etc. Other than that it had the same business concept as the other food markets.
B. Korean Restaurant
There was nothing really new about the Korean restaurant we went to comparing it to other Korean restaurants. What was new was new about it though was the total Korean experience which I believed could not find in any other Korean restaurants!
C. Goldilocks
What sets Goldilocks apart from it's used to be main competitor, Red Ribbon, is that it changed its position to one-stop food store but other than that the retsurant is the same with its other competitors.
III. Is the business/food stall success or failure? Why or why not.
A. A-venue Food Market
I do not see A-venure Food Market staying for a long time. I believe that it is one of those food establishments that are in trend now but will soon diminished in the future.
B. Korean Restaurant
I see the Korean restaurant to live longer because it's a place where you would want to always go back to experience the total Korean food experience! Moreover, it's a place you continuously look for or crave for because the food was extremely delicious and the whole package that the restaurant sold was really amazing.
C. Goldilocks
I believe Goldilocks is not a failure since its been in the market for so long. I think what sets it apart from its competitors is that it continuously evolves itself to support changing needs and wants of the Filipino consumer.