Showing posts with label group creative activities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label group creative activities. Show all posts

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Group Creative Activities

To      :   John and the rest of the class

In a way, the assignment is a trick question.  You may have just gone through a descriptive analysis;  but after reading my post of breakthrough thinking, you may have gone further by going on to the Solution After Next.  What could be done to improve the business being analyzed.  This was sadly lacking in the presentation last week.

For tomorrow, you may move beyond the description of the strategy currenly utilized to one that may be creative;  the one you can propose so that your group can get a high grade.

Will you end up with me too product?

Can you apply BOS SR by Jaime here?

                                        Ana's group presenting


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Group Creative Activities - Preparing Menu and 2 Dishes

                                 After the pitch;  food tasting and dinner

AGSB, Ateneo Professional School, de la Costa Campus.  January 15, 2013.  The MBA Standard Sentrep class had did cooking/food preparation exercise for one hour as part of Group Creative Exercise.  It was a graded exercise, and Ms Athens Cruz, one of the students was chosen as the judge to choose the best group.

The exercise involved the professor bringing in two major ingredients:    bell pepper and strawberries.  It is the challenge for the groups to come up with two dishes:   one sour and one sweet that match the two major ingredients.  This was announced before hand and the students could bring utensils and other ingredients to complete the two dishes.

After wards they made the pitches (to sell the food to their classmates) by 8 o clock and thereafter, to taste and eat their creation (free dinner)

Why was this done?

l.  There is no fab lab or 3d printer to practice product design;   (we did it earlier with trash)
2.  Food is the biggest consumption in the society;  no one may go wrong with food business;
3.  Food preparation techniques/strategies could be endless
4.  Almost everybody, man or woman would know how to cook;   so practicing innovation and creativity via this exercise is easy

                                  Ingredients from the professor:  bell pepper dn strawberries

                                  Startting to prepare:   Cams, Arlo and Jenlos group

                             Evan, Nelle and JPs group;  they brought silverware

                              Joseph, Alvin and Jaypee were the most resourceful

                                The judge - Athens observing process and food preparation

                                   Nelle observes as Evan prepares the paella con chili

                                 Alvin, Jaypee, Joseph and Crissy

                                        JP thinking of next step

                                   Ice cream and strawberries (they bought their own!)

                                 The dish look delicious and tasty

                  Athens about to taste one of the dishes (the ice cream would melt)