Showing posts with label hacienda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hacienda. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Vulture investing - is it a good strategy?

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Is it good?  This is bargain hunting, basement chasing, and or taking advantage of companies going belly up, or buying scrap from a closing business.    Junk yard operators are such individuals, or car dealers specializing in vehicles from insurance company yard - buying totalled cars.

One such interesting spectacle is a young billionaire who sold his energy company for 10 numbers but who has invested in  1.  Ailing media company whose franchise for free air TV has been cancelled and 
2.  Hacienda who have hundreds in millions of unpaid rpt, and even subject of agrarian reform.

Unless there is a new technology, high value crop,  to be used in agri for the hacienda, or a new plan for the media company like being a data or AI center?

Is this vulture investing?  Has the young billionaire made his due diligence.?  Properly advised?

I would not go his way of investment.   The risk for him are too great.  Unless his purchase price is at
deep discount or bargain.