Showing posts with label help. Show all posts
Showing posts with label help. Show all posts

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Let us join hands in helping our fellow Filipinos who have been victims of supertyphoon Yolanda; our country is our business

 Pictures of devastation in Samar and Leyte from Super Typhoon Yolanda


Let us join hands in helping our fellow Filipinos in the Visayas (Central Philippines) who need food, water, medicines, communications who were ravaged by super typhoon Yolanda last NOvember 8 2013.  The number of deaths (which has gone past 2,000 all ready) and property damage is staggering.   The relief and rescue operations is just the first part;   the reconstruction of houses and infrastructure would further strain our efforts and resources.

This is no time to start blaming others and other factors responsible for the number of deaths and amount of damages:  the looting that occured as an aftermath, the lack of community preparedness, the stubborness of people not to evacuate, ignorance of the storm surge during a very strong typhoon,  the lack of leadership and governance by LGUs in affected areas.  Let us do our best to help.  All ready, many countries (about 20) have pledged or have given  more than P3.00 billion in help in the form of medicine, family kit.  US, Japan have sent personnel - medical staff to help cure the injured, and soldiers to secure the area and deliver the relief goods to far flung areas.

Let us help:  AGSB students and alumni   "Our country is our business"