Showing posts with label inflation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inflation. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Hidden secrets of Money by Mike Maloney - You Tube video

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

This series should be understood from where the author is coming from.  He is promoting gold and silver as the real and only money.

1   Episode 1.    Money vs Currency

     It all began in Egypt where currency started.   But it was not yet money because gold which they used then lacked one characteristic:    being divisible

    1.   Both money and currency share same characteristics:

         Portable (you can have in your wallet unlike in trading wherein you bring large commoditiies with             you

        Divisible     you can divide it into units for ease of counting

        Fungible      it is of similar value as the next currency

        Durable        cant be destroyed by moth or elements

        But money has one distinct characteristic that of being store of value   God and silver has distinction of storing value through the years.    It is valuable then 5,000 years ago and valuable now

    2.  Fiat currency  since 1945, after Bretton Woods agreement, govt preferred fiat currnecy, ie currency that are just paper money created by mere faith (fiat in govt) but does not backed up by real

        Money before in US, are depository receipt for gold and could be exchanged for gold coins.
        Nixon declared in 1970s henceforth, USA will no longer allow redemption of gold by US
        dollar holders

   3.  Money is not preferred because supply of precious metals and govt cant go in to deficit spending
        Currency is unlimited because centra banks can print more money or can increase money supply
        through some other means like:

   4   Increase in money in circulation, ayuda, subsidy, Quantitative Easing.   They all mean the same-
        increasing currency in circulation

   5.  All fiat currency all ended up in zero.  Bad news for all holding on to paper money

   6  Inflation is not a result of some strange mechanism or strange economic phenomenon.   It simply means that there is more more currency in circulation and thisi takes away the stored value in your
currency.  If you decrease the currency supply there is deflation.   If you decrease the value in the currency which happens when govt does it without your consent, Maloney terms is as theft

  7.  Inflation is not being felt much in USA because it is being exported world wide through trade and
       international employment.  But when nation sees through that the US dollar is worthless, all the
       dollars will go back to US and cause hyperinflation

  8.  In a decade most world currencieis;  US Russia, China have gone up by as much as 18x

      See example of how currency is created as in US

    1  US treasury issues bonds - IOU  and sells this bond through banks

    2. Federal Reserve writes a check, using only accounting entries.  
        It is an IOU (but an unfounded)  - currency is created  They are merely exchanging IOUS
        Currency is created like magic (but the check is unfunded)  It is really an entry of numbers

   3.  Federal Reserve sends the check to various govt  agencies to pay for wages,, for war, and other
        govt activities

  4   The workers and other payees deposit the money in banks

  5.  More currency is created by banks lending through fractional lending  Say 10% reserve the bank
        can lend and create 10X the initial deposit.   This lending multiplies the currency further

        90% of all currency is created in the bank lending

       Take note that the currency is created from zero mere exchange of  IOU

 6.   More currency creates inflation

 7    The income tax law was created (constitution was amended ) to support the bonds  The income tax is to pay the interest on the bond.   We have to pay tax to support the currency system.  

 8.  The Federal Reserve is a private entity that pays its stockholder 6% dividend

 9.  The the debt limit law is a contradiction.   There is always a debt for every $ borrowed.   
       Thus for a $ of principal, there is another debt (2x).  If we pay the principal, the currency is 
       is destroyed.  The whole system collapses.

 10.  The whole system requires more debt to support the currency.   The whole thing continues
       the interest

      The US system only supports silver deposit

     Mike accuses the US banks the Federal Reserve of fraud, Ponzi scheme, legalized theft.  of stealing      value from the citizens.   

2023 promises to be a challenging year for businesses

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Difficult 2023 IMF

Its going to be challenging year 2023 for businesses. On the micro level, many businesses closed shop:   food outlet serving Ramen, coffee shops milk tea shops (hole in the wall type)  two big restaurants, bike shops   Many buko vendors and fruit vendors along Manila East road   

At the Macro level, there seems to be huge growth of 7.6% in 2022, but after discounting the inflation rate of 4%, we are left with nominal 3.6% not something to crow about   And if we compare the numbers to pre pandemic numbers, we were at the same level     Many big establishments are permanently closing   Even our airlines are heavily indebted  and could face financial downfall 
A slower growth, if any is expected in 2023   

A building supplier who went into airport business whose plant is nearby is reported to have difficulty meeting its payroll

The inflation, the high interest rate at US which drives down the Peso value vs the dollar, the high energy costs, the Ukaraine war, the China covid wildfire spread do not mean well for Philippine economy..

WE MUST WORK HARDER BE MORE INNOVATIVE BE MORE entrepreneurial    The telecon, the energy food too  travel sectors seem robust and steady.   Tourism,..?    The glamping bike tourism is on the way down.  Many sites priced themselves out of the market   We must engage in cost reduction, protecting our liquidity, focussing on sales and collection

We must be open to new opportunities,  and seek and screen them   All ready there are two projects that I must evaluate.  And trips to the provinces are plenty.  We are sewing one up and in the contract signing stage.  

Next week I will have a meeting with Puerto Princesa business men and we wil discuss possible projects

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

This Week's Best of the Best from Uncommon Wisdom

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The best of Uncommon Wisdom
for the week ending December 29, 2012
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This Week's Featured Story ...
When Will We Finally See Significant Inflation?
by JR Crooks
The Federal Reserve's accommodative monetary policies have expanded the monetary base and banks' balance sheets. But the money hasn't made it into the real economy. I think this may change in 2013, paving the way for significant inflation.
Watch the video ...

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China Lifts Investment Limits on Foreigners
by Tony Sagami

China's leaders want the Chinese stock market to get back on track and moving higher. One of the fastest and easiest ways to do that is open the floodgates of eager foreign money to invest in Chinese stocks.
How Important is Consumer Debt to the Stock Market?
by Sean Brodrick

Is the level of consumer debt as a percentage of income important to the stock market?
Lame Ducks Barely Showing Up to Quack!
by George Lambert

Will Rogers had it right in 1932 when he said, "An awful lot of people are confused as to just what is meant by a lame duck Congress ..."
Important Lessons from the Guns of Lexington and Yorktown
by Sean Brodrick

A currency crisis ... a superpower mired in an unconventional war ... cutthroat capitalists preying on honest merchants ...
How to Boost Your (Stock) Buying Power in 2013
by Rudy Martin

Last December, considering the magnitude of the euro-zone crisis and its ongoing negative effect on other developed markets, I predicted 2012 would be the year of the emerging-market investor.
Lennar Borrows $1.7B from China Bank
by Tony Sagami

U.S. home builder Lennar had to go all the way to China to find financing for its new housing projects.

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