Showing posts with label intellectual property. Show all posts
Showing posts with label intellectual property. Show all posts

Friday, May 3, 2024

Theft of intellectual property

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Had discussion with an entrepreneur for a project similar to us.   After discussing and emailing many pithy items re the project, things become silent and my paronia was that he was taking the project alone without compensating me for my ideas (stealing from underneath  me) since he all ready knows some of the key

        making bankabale documents from the site development plan to convince investors
        using the same for x deals with developers and/or those with ML money

I should be careful with people I meet.   Desiderata says so for the world is full of trickery

Ii hope this does not happen so that 1.  I do not lose trust in humanity   2.  I should stay quiet in the future.

Most often being good and generous does not do good.