Showing posts with label investigation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label investigation. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Spending more time in politics dissipates energy that should be devoted to growth and nation bullding

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

We see that much more media time is devoted to Senate and Congressional hearings, investigations.  Less on activities that build the nation and create jobs and employment. For the executive bickering power play with past admin?   Rumors of power grab?    Preparing for the forthcoming election?

Some inquiries are outright destructive to building and creating national wealth

Who will rationalize, control these wasteful activities.  

Monday, June 23, 2014

Kepner Tregoe Problem Solving Technique Stil lWorks

Rizal  Philippines  |  June 23, 2014

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to watch an air crash investigation at Nat Geo.  The episode  is about a Air  New Zealand Airbus 320 that crashed off the coast of France, on a acceptance (test flight) for no apparent reason.  Since it was on acceptance flight, it was supposed to have undergone thorough overhaul checking.

However, the investigation was able to probe/determine the cause of the crash by comparing the normal and the abnormal (what is what is not, where is where is not)