Showing posts with label lateral thinking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lateral thinking. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Lateral thinking, out the box; not doing instead of doing

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

One of the aspect of critical thinking is thinking out of the box.  Not thinking traditionally commonly

One way is lateral thinking  started by Edward de Bono.

So for instance, when the action/strategy is COLLECT, the branch is null option.   Do not collect.

So for instance in a DUI, it could have been that the decision to have BAYAD CENTER and terminate the army of collectors who could abscond with the money, be held up and cause huge cost for the DUI.   So instead of going house to house to collect, customers will be forced to pay to the business offices, bayad center.  Smart eh.

Same for bricks and mortar store shifting to online selling   We have employed this in selling.  We get more sales when we have STOP SELLING ORDER

So for a frozen food company, when they wanted to expand, they employed do not expand.  So instead of having cap ex for new plants and equipment, they just networked with other food processors, piggybacked used their brand and supply chain.   Expansion without expanding physically