Showing posts with label memo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label memo. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The tyranny of one page report, analysis or recommendation.

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

When this post was taking up MBA, he often encountered the tyranny of one page analysis//recommendation.  You do this after reading a 50 - 100 pages of case.  Its rather challenging:

     1.  You do not have much time to read well, much less comprehend the case;
     2.  You really have to dig deep into your brain to come up with a brilliant insight
     3.  You are trained to simplify your thinking, if not clarifying the issues.
     4.  You are trained to look at both the forest and the trees;
     5.  You are trained to "BLINK"   (reference to book by Malcolm Gladwell)

As you manage the business, you look up to your subordinates to be able to do this task.  Oftentimes, they clutter their thinking by coming up with more problems, and complicating issues.  

What rigorous training we had with our MBA