Showing posts with label national.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label national.. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Compliance with Regulations and Exit Strategy portion at the Business Plan

Deficiency in Many Business Plan



For the last 3 terms, the contents of this portion of the BP submitted have been very scanty, or non existent.  They are important parts of a business plan.  Maybe more pages are needed.

Compliance with regulators.

There are many laws that govern the operations of business.  That is why lawyers and consultants are needed in order to comply.  Heavily regulated industries include:   energy, transportation, banks, food real estate and all the industries that impinge, affect the public.  Penalties are incurred, even closure may be impending for violation.

Regulators are both local and national:

Local:   barangay, town:   mayor's permit, real estate tax, building permit, BFP fee, sanitary permit, garbage fee; occupancy permit, Zoning, PNP