Showing posts with label obstacles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label obstacles. Show all posts

Saturday, July 13, 2024

What do you do when there are seemingly insurmountable obstacles to a project proposal - do you give up.?

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

This post did just that when a good project in the north lurched into freezer status after a spat between investors in our group had conflict with the land owner in the spat.   It was over.

However, the land owners wanted to continue.  So much was expected by them and the community expected the project.

So options were entertained:

1.  They mortgage the property and obtain funds for starting the project
2.   Get a developer who can pull off the project

Yesterday, we were able to find a contractor and who has a funder.  The funder will get 1000% ROI per year or 22,000% ROI for the life of the project.

So many people will be benefitted by the project.   Including those who will be scheduled for the great beyond.   Even for an elderly determination alone works.   

Many mindsets are prepared when they handle existing businesses, and are not prepared for failures and obstacles.   An entrepreneurial mind is adept, flexible and constantly seeking solution.   

Friday, June 21, 2024

Business deals that are not pushing through because of extreme obstacles

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

1.  One is about legalities.   We need to have the property titled to get LTS from a govt agency   We all ready got the nod of local LGU exec.  But it would not be so because the titling needs to have an approval of two to three entities who have big time claim on untitled properties.  If there are 3, the expenses would be huge.  There is a way to go around it by having proxies, but its risky.

2.  The other one concerns the lack of maturity on the part of the future business partners.  They showed their inability to be on long term mature relationship (as we are experiencing right now)   They are impetuous impulsive and uncontrolled mouths   Our board does not want to do business with them.