Showing posts with label premortem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label premortem. Show all posts

Saturday, December 7, 2013

You must enchant if your start up must come alive!

Ateneo, Philippines   December 7, 2013

From First Round


Is Enchanted Kingdom enchanting?  Is it having near death experiences too.  Guy Kawasaki writes that Apple, early on had near death experience.  But escaped death because it had enchanting product - the Aldus Pagemaker.  The Aldus Pagemaker had the ability to enchant customers that it brought back a company life.  JB Borromeo often uses the word "mesmerize"  I like the idea of being "compelling or irrestible"

Can being enchanting learned.  Kawasaki likes to think so. 

Some ideas:

1.  Make them like you.  Dress well, learn the proper handshake, open yourself to the possibility of yes Yes you will help them.

2.  Default with great product -  with support, manuals, tutorials.  Others:  completeness, intelligence, empowerment.  Explain your product in three words.

3.  Do a pre mortem not a post mortem  -  Anticipate what you must do in order not die.  You cant do much when your product has died.

How to be enchanting with your boss:

1.  When he asks you do something, drop everything and do it (not your underwear though)

2.  Prototype early;

3.  Give bad news early


1.  MAP  - Mastery, Autonomy Purpose

2.  Dont ask your people to do anything you would not do.