Showing posts with label purchase. Show all posts
Showing posts with label purchase. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

JV again

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

A business acquaintance called me yesterday from a tourist island province.   She informed me that the botched land purchase we had (due to competition) is not proceeding smoothly.  Apparently the same problem we had was encountered by the mogul buyer, a big name in the industry

We dont mind this though because we a have jv in a tourism city in the north and it could be jv.

So the business partner informed me that to avoid the competition in the island province, we would shift to an AB market say 3 to 4 hectare and probably jv.  

A jv would be preferable because you save the cash flow for land acquisition and you can proceed right away with development and construction.    The landowner is assured of continuous source of income and becomes part of price increases

We hope we can be successful in both

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Buying a business is like analyzing, reviewing a strama paper.

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Rizal Philippines
August 21, 2016.

Everything is so sudden. While I do not have the formal mandate yet that I would be an executive director of a holding company, a thick folder was sent to me to study the viability of buying a school.  (Elem to Senior High School)   There was a communication that contains a letter of intent to sell and the suggested closing is end of the month.

I reviewed the documents and found out that most of the information are for a loan transaction:  appraisal of the real property and FS (which I think looked funny)  If ever there is a valuation report, it has to be valuation of the business based on the FS?  They do not add up. Well the FS shows a school that is losing money.

If the purpose of the exercise is to buy the business, a lot more data is needed.  It is like a strama paper.   The objectives have to be defined and the strategy of how to make the school profitable, how to achieve ROI has to be defined.  A due diligence study has to be made before cogent decision can be made.

I did not realize that I am comfortable and at home in this kind of work.

These are the excerpts of my thoughts/communication to the Chairman of the Holding company: