Showing posts with label smoke and mirror strategy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label smoke and mirror strategy. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Entrepreneurship means achieving objectives with resources that the entrepreneur has no control of?


Makati City    |  February 2013

I discussed the definition of a Harvard Professor of entrepreneurship "achieving something with resources that the entrepreneurs has no control of" in both the MBAH and Standard Entrep class.

On one hand, this looks very positive.  It speaks of the resourcefulness and the passion of the entrepreneur to have his goal/dream become a reality, even though he does not have the money or other key resources.  This is very unlike a corporate man who has to have budget/lots of cash, and large staff (Corporate men do it with large staff;  entrepreneurs with big interest....!Green eh?)

This reminds us the of the mavericks of Skunkworks of Lockheed who made great planes from parts of other planes not being used (literally from junk of other divisions)

On the other hand we are reminded of the Pirates of the Silicon valley:  having an MS DOS that one does not have, inventing a Windows program from  GUI invented by Apple.  We are reminded of the alpha and beta testing being done at the same time (shortcuts of some entrepreneurs that allow them to speed of product launch) Or the smoke and mirrors strategy of some of the great hardware vendors -  they announce new product that has not been invented or done yet.

Will you do the same given the opportunity?

Is this morally right?  Is it allowed at Ethics subject?