Showing posts with label thinking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thinking. Show all posts

Friday, June 14, 2024

Critical thinking: a description

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

A graduate school is offering this for off campus students at five numbers entrance fee.  Fortunately, I had a chance to learn this and even teach this in entrep course I was handling at GSB.  I teach this/train our staff on this skill

It is very easy to fall into the conventional non critical thinking as we deal with our relatives and rest of our work force.  Critical thinking essentially stems from desire to decide intelligently,, separate the chaff from  the grains, and think logically.  Covered under the critical thinking topics are:

1.  Olo  -  observe learn observe
2.  Deductive reasoning (from general to particular)
3.   Inductive reasoning (from particular to general  (conclusion from data)
4.  Classifying, labelling

Not because an event happened before a another does it mean that it is the cause.

A particular event can not be held as universal truth.  Yet surveys make us think that way.

Innovative thinking, lateral thinking as formulated by Edward de Bono should be included here?

What was not discussed during my time is how crisis and extreme difficulties can can cause us to search for solutions that are bizarre and not done before

Friday, June 7, 2024

Evaluating a site, land for possible business venture - thinking out of the box

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

We went on a 100 km trip to municipality in Calabarzon with a population of 130k.  There are tree similar establishments in the said municipality with 1/3 of their inventories still unsold.   it is 20 km to nearby major city.   

When we arrived at the site, I was dismayed:  the property is some 1.2 km from Maharlika highway.  The Right of Way was narrow.  The proponent said it is near existing govt and religious establishment.   Getting a passage would look like a challenge.  There is a big option to buy a right of way but it is opposite a big housing project

We went to the religious and govt establishment and soon I began to get a clearer picture of the opportunity.  

We will not position the project as a high end project but something for the masses.  And the prices will be competitive.   We will have 4 types of products and the passage through the two established businesses will not be a first priority but as an added +   

We will secure the following data/approval;

1.  Endorsement from the barangay;
2.  Right of way from the 1 hectare property near housing project;
3.  Pricing data

If you think like you are in prison and you have to find out how to escape, and how to free yourself from a prison term, then you can find creative ways to solve a problem.

I think the land owner was happy.  Since he was a contractor, he can opt to be the land owner and developer himself, with us just giving him guidance and management of the project.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Can you describe Strategic Thinking in one sentence?

As an entrep student, and one who knows the strategic thinking process, can you answer this one:  
Subject: Can you describe Strategic Thinking in one sentence?

It should be easy;   it is choice of resources and activities (processes) to reach an objective (strategic)  That is it. Nothing more nothing less