Showing posts with label throwback. Show all posts
Showing posts with label throwback. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Throwback: debate - are entrepreneurs born, made or product of luck

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

This was a group work.  Class is divided into 4:  3 positions and fourth one is the judge.

Are entrepreneurs (or leaders)  BORN, MADE (Trained) or result of LUCK (SWERTI)
Interesting arguments come out during the debate as well as judgment by the judge.

This is an interesting topic for us to ponder in the days to come.

Really, what do you think?  Are entrepreneurs born, made or product of luck?

Throwback Electronic teaching - use of blogs

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

During my teaching stint, I learned how to blog.  Though there was no electronic teaching platform available at that time, I used the blog to:   publish the syllabus,  teaching materials, and the submission. of the assignment.  This encouraged competition, and the motivation to be better than others.  

Later on some students became concerned with privacy (since blogs were treated as websites and assignment submission especially videos were searchable at Google.

Thus this post was able to achieve efficiency and saved paper and trees.  

Innovation in teaching