Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Factor paper 11-Dec-2012 by AC

I took two tests on whether I have what it takes to become an entrepreneur. One test said that I am and made some suggestions:
"You ARE an entrepreneur. With proper planning and consideration, you are driven and rewarded by innovation and problem solving. You, too, should document a personal vision. And, don't do it alone. Surround yourself with others—mentors, advisors, peers, associates, investors—who buy into your vision and will serve as a sounding board and support mechanism to help you ensure long-term success for the company you create."
On the other hand, the other test said that while I passed the general profile and motivations, I failed in the aptitude and attitude part. This test was based on the fact that most entrepreneurs have the same skills.
Factors that I possess to become a successful entrepreneur are I have an innovative mind. Since I wanted to become successful in business, I have been thinking of the business I ought to do. Unfortunately for me those ideas were recently a big hit, thought by another entrepreneurs.  Other factors that can help me in becoming an entrepreneur are my vision, driven, motivation, planning, administrative and organizational skills.
I like to plan everything that I do. Planning allows me to think of the pros and cons of a decision I am about to make. Moreover, planning keeps my feet on the ground, as sometimes I tend to overlook other possibilities or make a decision that is almost impossible to make. In addition, planning allows me to see where my decision is heading. Currently, I am still in the process of developing the menu I will put in the store. It is a bit challenging to decrease the number of the food we will make; and, another challenge is to choose what type of food I should include. A successful entrepreneur would be able to plan ahead of time and make sure there is a contingent plan in case things go wrong. To this, administrative and organizational skill will play a vital role once the business has started.
More than the skills, entrepreneurs should also have the vision, passion, dreams, inspiration and motivation. I got this one from a very successful businessman from Malaysia. He said that without vision a man is be blinded by the things that surrounds him; thus, it is important for someone to have vision and also a dream. Vision enables me to see my future. I can make my dreams come true because it will be my motivation and inspiration to move forward and set my targets high; and for this reason, I was able to see myself living my dream.
However, I know I still have a long way to go to become a successful entrepreneur. I know I lack the experience to put up a business. My preparation may not be enough and it could have significance once I start. Aside from the experience, I think that I need to hone my cooking skills so that when the business starts I can keep up with the demand from my customers. I need to ensure that I can properly advertise my business. Here's some of my areas of improvement:
-          Resistance to stress. I need a better coping mechanism to stress for more productivity.
-          Thinking fast. Because I am more of a planner than a spontaneous person, I need to cope fast to the changes in my environment
-          Creativity. I am not the most creative person but maybe in time I can hire someone creative than me.
-          Lack of finances. We all need the financial capability to start a business whether small or big.
In time, I know I can make improvements to myself and become a successful entrepreneur that I wanted. 3

Athens S. Cruz
+63 916-7056719

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