Showing posts with label Athens Cruz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Athens Cruz. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Case Analysis – Three Entrepreneurial Clans in Asia – Joseph Cunanan

The entire case talks about how 3 entrepreneurial clans in Asia managed to grow their business through
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division process within their family conglomerates. I like how
the facts of the case were presented in details in terms of how these 3 clans achieved growth within
their line of businesses and penetrated the market of Thailand, Malaysia & Indonesia.

During the addition process, we can tell that entrepreneurs use different approaches in determining the
necessity to expand their business. For instance, if your existing business can be supported by another
product, then it makes sense for you to pursue this product. This is what S&P Ice Cream Corner did.
They started out as an ice cream parlor which offers limited ice cream menus, then slowly transitioned
to manufacturing bakery products then eventually forwarded to distribution and franchising. On the
other hand, some entrepreneurs add new businesses as opportunities come. The new business or
product offering may have nothing to do with the existing one, but since an opportunity comes to take
on a new endeavour, they end up grabbing it. This is what exactly Melewar group did in their business
expansions. Some companies tend to expand their businesses by finding a common denominator with
their business offerings. For instance, if a company caters to clothing lines, then they can expand to
underwear, kids wear etc. In the Philippines setting, i think the perfect example would be Bench, which
started out in offering clothes for males. Then they eventually added up HerBench for women, Bench
Body for underwear, and Bench Kids for infant and children. With relevance to the case, Blue Bird take
on business expansions to anything that has wheels, like cabs, buses, truck s and trailers to cater both
the passenger and non-passenger needs of transportation in Indonesia.

In terms of the multiplication process, this comes to play if your business venture was so successful,
you can end up multiplying in terms of your number of branches and increase in supply chain. In the
Philippines setting, perfect example would be SM and Jollibee where in they have tremendously grown
in number in terms of the nationwide branches. I think wherever you go in Metro Manila, there is a
Jollibee store around the corner, there are even stores located just few kilometres away from the same
street. In terms of SM, all key major cities in Metro Manila has it, like Makati, Manila, Las Pinas, Bicutan,
etc. The growth in number is supported by the level of success in penetrating the target market. In
terms of the case, S&P and Blue Bird both of them have grown in number in terms of supply chain and
number of units (cabs for instance) to gain a full competitive advantage in the market.

When business owners encounter failure in their new ventures, it is important to consider the option
to let go of this business, rather than let it stay longer for so long which might eventually impact your
other businesses or worse, pull down the entire company. This is what Melawar did when they stopped
operating their technology ventures and I think they did a great job in determining this soon. The lesson
learned in this aspect, is to ensure that before you start up a new line of business, you will be able to
address all challenges n the future, and the key is to determine your current strengths and assets and
measure the feasibility to succeed.

In terms of the division of the company, I must say that all clans were successful in dividing the
ownership and accountability of each family member with their line of businesses. They have considered
factors such as function, interests, location and proximity to handle the business and stay successful in
the future. Not only that they focus on the current state, but they also prepare their young children to
take on the responsibility moving forward.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Food Trip Report by Athens Cruz

Athens Cruz
Prof. Jorge Saguinsin

Food Trip Paper
When the food trip was announced, I was ecstatic. It was good news for me because I really love food. I arrived early at the venue so I scouted the place before everyone arrived. Great people bonds over great food.
I.                   Appetizer. A-Venue Parking Lot Food Bazaar
Food bazaars are the most amazing place to have a food trip. It offers a wide variety of food you can choose from.
In general, this food bazaar was surprisingly good. There were foods I am not familiar or never heard of like the Peri Peri. What surprised me the most was foreigners lined up for this one.
There were Mongolian, Korean, Middle-Eastern foods available. I noticed that the foreigners who went to the food bazaar knew exactly what they want to eat. I could not resist trying the falafel although it was not in the list of foods we planned to try.
I was at my usual self whenever I’m at a bazaar, asking too many questions trying to establish rapport with the stall owners. I have tried joining bazaars before (but my goods are children clothes) and I often ask them about their income. The concept was good for the food bazaar. To me this is the most different food bazaar I have tried so far. The variety of food makes it unique.
In my opinion, this concept was a success judging by the number of people going to the area.
II.                Korean Restaurant – Dona Dona Korean BBQ Restaurant
Nowadays, there are many Koreans that comes here in the Philippines for too many reasons. The most common reason is education. Korean restaurants proliferate too. The experience was exciting especially the grilling part.
It is not as different as other Koreans restaurants, but they tamed the Korean flavors of the food they offer to suit the palate of other nationalities.
The experience of grilling adds value to the experience of customers, cooking their food. They also help the customers in grilling. For people who wanted to try Korean cuisine this can be the first restaurant they can try so that their palates can get used to the spices and flavors of a typical Korean food.
III.             Dessert. Goldilocks
After all the stops, I was so full and I couldn’t dare bite another. When I found out that we were headed to Goldilocks I was not happy. I’m not fond of their cakes, so I really don’t think it was the best choice for the group. Unfortunately, it was the only place where we could have dessert.
I already have a prejudice about what it would taste like but I was wrong. I did try both cakes and it exceeded my expectation. Goldilocks is really pushing the standard of their cakes. I might have to try buying cakes from them in the future.
We knew the business concept behind Goldilocks, but what is striking about this particular shop at this location was the many opportunities it caters. It is a very strategic location, since it is the only store that offer cakes, pastries and other sweet products Filipinos are fond of. Because of this, it made the store different.
This venture is a success because at this specific location they are the only one that offers cakes and other sweet products.

The overall experience of the food trip was great. The businesses that we visited offer a diverse food. I just realized that a food business never really goes out of fashion.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Scores for the creative cooking activity -Sentrep

Hi everyone,

Our class activity was a cooking challenge. Here's the scores for the cooking activity. Congrats to everyone for doing a great job in preparing the food. Everyone was creative and resourceful enough to accomplish the task given.

     Sour - 20 18 16 17
     Sweet - 20 17 18 17
Creativity - 20 19 18 18
Presentation - 20 17 19 18
Originality - 10 9 9 9
Execution - 10 10 10 10
90 90 89

Athens S. Cruz
+63 916-7056719

Congratulations to Groups 1 and 2 and to all for such a close fight! --Prof Jorge

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Resourcefulness and entrepreneurship go hand in hand

                                    Nelle's silverware was borrowed by Joseph and co

Joseph admitted, (and his group was observed to be such) that his group was very resourceful:

l.  He borrowed an oven toaster from the Cafeteria canteen (at the second floor) to bake their pizza which was very tasty;

2.  The group borrowed kitchenware from Nelles group;  in turn they asked for cheese from Joseph's group;

3.  They asked for parsley from Nelles group

The JenLo group went down to the cafeteria to have some of their ingredients baked;   they brought some of the fruit salad already prepared.

Alvin said that they did not have a menu in mind when they came:   they observed what others were doing.

In the pitch portion, I noted the groups excelled in:

l.  Branding

2. Making outlandish stories about their creation  (about singapore esplanade cum mango.....)

                                Very bad for my blood sugar

                                       Hmm it is good tasting;  Jenlo likes what she prepared

                               Preparing the strawberry org...

                                   The Mango Singapore esplanade

                                    Joseph's group making the pitch

                                 Nelle, with the cook, Evan who was a UAAP MVP

                                 Arlo, Jenlo and Cam making their pitch for their delicious dish

Close up pictures of the dishes

                                               Joseph's group,  their pizza tastes great

                                    Sweet and delicious,  the ham treat tastes great

                            The red orgasmic treat (will make you wet?) and paella con chili

Thank you guys for your enthusiasm and cooperation.  Congratulations for great job.  Bravo zulu

N.B.  We are still awaiting the judging by Ms. Athens Cruz.  She must be having a hard time deciding. I hope she can decide soon

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Factor paper 11-Dec-2012 by AC

I took two tests on whether I have what it takes to become an entrepreneur. One test said that I am and made some suggestions:
"You ARE an entrepreneur. With proper planning and consideration, you are driven and rewarded by innovation and problem solving. You, too, should document a personal vision. And, don't do it alone. Surround yourself with others—mentors, advisors, peers, associates, investors—who buy into your vision and will serve as a sounding board and support mechanism to help you ensure long-term success for the company you create."
On the other hand, the other test said that while I passed the general profile and motivations, I failed in the aptitude and attitude part. This test was based on the fact that most entrepreneurs have the same skills.
Factors that I possess to become a successful entrepreneur are I have an innovative mind. Since I wanted to become successful in business, I have been thinking of the business I ought to do. Unfortunately for me those ideas were recently a big hit, thought by another entrepreneurs.  Other factors that can help me in becoming an entrepreneur are my vision, driven, motivation, planning, administrative and organizational skills.
I like to plan everything that I do. Planning allows me to think of the pros and cons of a decision I am about to make. Moreover, planning keeps my feet on the ground, as sometimes I tend to overlook other possibilities or make a decision that is almost impossible to make. In addition, planning allows me to see where my decision is heading. Currently, I am still in the process of developing the menu I will put in the store. It is a bit challenging to decrease the number of the food we will make; and, another challenge is to choose what type of food I should include. A successful entrepreneur would be able to plan ahead of time and make sure there is a contingent plan in case things go wrong. To this, administrative and organizational skill will play a vital role once the business has started.
More than the skills, entrepreneurs should also have the vision, passion, dreams, inspiration and motivation. I got this one from a very successful businessman from Malaysia. He said that without vision a man is be blinded by the things that surrounds him; thus, it is important for someone to have vision and also a dream. Vision enables me to see my future. I can make my dreams come true because it will be my motivation and inspiration to move forward and set my targets high; and for this reason, I was able to see myself living my dream.
However, I know I still have a long way to go to become a successful entrepreneur. I know I lack the experience to put up a business. My preparation may not be enough and it could have significance once I start. Aside from the experience, I think that I need to hone my cooking skills so that when the business starts I can keep up with the demand from my customers. I need to ensure that I can properly advertise my business. Here's some of my areas of improvement:
-          Resistance to stress. I need a better coping mechanism to stress for more productivity.
-          Thinking fast. Because I am more of a planner than a spontaneous person, I need to cope fast to the changes in my environment
-          Creativity. I am not the most creative person but maybe in time I can hire someone creative than me.
-          Lack of finances. We all need the financial capability to start a business whether small or big.
In time, I know I can make improvements to myself and become a successful entrepreneur that I wanted. 3

Athens S. Cruz
+63 916-7056719