Showing posts with label food trip report. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food trip report. Show all posts

Monday, March 25, 2013

MBAH 10Food Trip report - Danae Madel Orig

Food Trip
Submitted by: Danae Madel Orig

Last March 9, 2012 our class finally pushed through with the planned Food trip. It was one of the requirements for the Entrepreneurship course. Due to heavy traffic and hot weather, the class decided to conduct the food trip at the Power plant Mall in Rockwell. We visited three restaurants, our lunch was held at Banana Leaf Restaurant, then we had dessert at Sugar house and lastly coffee and beer at Draft.

Banana Leaf
Banana Leaf is a multi-awarded international restaurant that introduced Filipino diners to the delights of modern Malaysian, Singaporean, Thai, Indian, Vietnamese and Indonesian cuisine. This restaurant as also awarded as one of 2012's Best Philippine Restaurants.
Most of the customers in Banana Leaf are the residents from surrounding condominiums and mall goers. We saw families, expats and couples having their Lunch. The place was spacious and can accommodate big groups. They have extensive choices of good quality South East Asian cuisine which tasted very authentic. Although we didn't have reservation and we didn't pre-order, I was surprised that the food was served really fast and we didn't have to wait long for them. The servers were also dressed in a traditional Malaysian outfit which really adds up to the South East Asian experience.
One of the good innovations that I've noticed is how they made use of banana leaves as plates which sets them apart from all the other restaurants in the mall. By doing this, I assumed that they only needed minimal man power for dishwashing. This also gives them opportunity to provide additional livelihood to banana growers.

Sugar House
Sugar house is a pastry shop that is located in same floor as banana leaf. They serve cakes, sandwiches, light meals and other types of pastries. It's a small space with several tables and compared to Banana Leaf their space felt a little cramped. Here we had our dessert of banana pie and chocolate truffle cake. Since they are in within the same are, they served the same market.
What I liked about them was that again, they were able to accommodate our big group even without reservation and when I asked if they can divide the cake to 10 or 12 slices (more than their usual serving) they willingly obliged.
What's different thing about them is that they have cake choices which are normally not available on other pastry shops. Examples are their Almond Sansrival, Chocolate truffle and French Apple Pie topped with whipped cream.
Again, the service was fast and efficient, the pricing reasonable and the food quality is good. They also serve freshly brewed coffee at a much affordable price compared to other restaurants in the vicinity.

Draft Gastro Pub
This European gastro pub is one of the new restaurants in Power plant Mall. They serve some of the best international beers on tap. They also have a food menu that has has some of the European pub staples such as fish and chips, german sausages, mussel pots and schnitzel.
Its high ceiling and wall glass panels give this restaurant an airy, open ambiance. Same as the other 2 restaurants, they serve the A and B market and because of their huge space which can accommodate serve big groups easily. There is also flat screen TVs that continuously shows the TV ads of the beers.  Doing this makes their customers more curious to try their different beer offerings.
What sets them apart is their product offering which are the imported beers that can be served on tap (draft) or bottle. This allows then to reach their target markets which are the A and B class and the expats. <exercise on business concept, differentiation, business model -->prep for bp making


FOOD TRIP : Banana Leaf & Sugar house
            It was a great opportunity for our class to be bonding together with our Entrep professor and share great food, good laughs and camaraderie. An experience we hope will not be the last.
             Both restaurants have established a name for themselves and has maintained a good reputation for offering  specialty food that they are famous for, leaving  their customers gastronomically happy , satisfied and full.
            Banana Leaf as the name implies, one would think of it as something Filipino. Truly they are living up to their name, However, from the time you enter the restaurant, an Asian theme pervades the entire atmosphere. The staff are dressed in Malay-Thai uniforms, food is served on traditional Banana Leaves. It is one of the few establishments that primarily offers Asian cuisines.  Banana Leaf is a fusion of mainly Asian, but their focus is more Filipino. The food is flavorful, with a good balance of spices. Service is fast and efficient, usually taking 15 mins for an order to be served. Price is very affordable.
           Sugarhouse  is for the sweet tooth. Since it had its humble beginning in a small coffee shop in Greenhills, they were one of the first  cake shop that innovated and introduced specialty cakes ,where customers then were just familiar with butter and chiffon cakes of the famous bakeshop with the little golden girl. Sugarhouse offered cakes by large slices, served freshly baked ,garnished with variety of nuts,  chocolates, caramels, whipped cream . They have wide array of  mouthwatering desserts one would just crave about.  They have been famous for their signature warm Apple pie topped with grated cheese & served with whipped cream.   The quality & taste remained  the same making it an all-time favorite. and their price is quite competitive. Though they offer  other dessert products, they were  not at par with other similar establishments . They also served other  food for lunch and dinner to compliment the dessert and as an option for the customers to try their other meals . Their coffee is not an experience but just something to pair with their cakes.  <author unknown>

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Food Trip Paper

Food Trip

The food trip that we've done last March 5, 2013 shows us a lot of business opportunities and improvements to be done to those existing businesses that we've visited. It helps us develop our critical thinking of observing and learning what made these businesses exist and stay in the industry of food service.

Our first destination is the food stalls in A-venue. There is a combination of different cuisines here since most of its target customers are foreigners living and roaming around Makati Avenue. It caters different types of food from a complete meal to desserts and even street foods! What makes this place unique is that it doesn't cater food alone, it also has some stalls for several merchandise such as perfume, dress and even books. You may then visit this place not just for food but also for a mini shopping experience.

The stalls in A-venue are located in parking area of the mall. This is a great concept! Parking areas are profitable right now but making it a business place makes it more profitable. The owner of this area may then be making a lot of money every night! The usual fee for one stall is around Php 30,000.00 per month and this is a big business if you have over 50 stalls in your parking area!

The challenge of marketing these stalls to the public was resolved by having a loud sound systems and live band that will attract more people. This is also a unique business idea for this food stalls since customers may be entertained while they are eating their dinner or while shopping and roaming around. The lights are also an attraction due to its fascinating shape and color. It is elegant, yet simple.

Another new experience here is the concept of different food preparations. We can actually see how food is being prepared such as the cooking of Ilocos’ empanada (Taco Wana) and the ‘Falafel’ balls which is made from a lot of different vegetables. I actually have an idea of cooking those foods and I want to try it at home!

We also have a chance to try the Korean Restaurant ‘Dona Dona’ near A-venue. This is an international concept of restaurant located in busy streets of Makati Avenue. At first, I thought this is not a good business establishment since its target market is those people from class A or B. But I was wrong! Korean food in this establishment is affordable! And that is worth noting. This restaurant actually caters a Korean experience to a lot of Filipinos and foreigners at an affordable price.

‘Dona Dona’ shows its uniqueness by the way they serve food. The owner of the restaurant herself supports the business and assists in serving food to its customers. This is a good experience since customers will really feel that they are well accommodated. Food is actually satisfying at a less cost. The concept of ‘shabu-shabu’ is also great! This is an awesome experience for Filipinos since only restaurants cater this way of cooking food.

We've finally ended our food trip with a cake from Goldilocks. As usual, desserts are good. Its products carry its name. I cannot find any new in this establishment maybe because they already have an established name. I would then suggest that they innovate their food and services to attract more customers. One way of improving their product/services is let’s say they will offer a free drinks if the customer purchases a certain amount of pastries or food. They can also have ‘Goldilocks Card’ where they will give its customers a free cake at their 7th cake purchase. The management of this bakeshop can think of a lot of ways to strengthen their industry.

I would then say that food stalls and restaurants are still a successful business nowadays. What they need to do is to improve their products and services from time to time because this will attract more customers. A lot of people are still attracted by food and new ideas about it makes it more attractive to the public. People love eating and trying different food types available in the market.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Entrep Food Trip Report by Arlo Cristobal

Entrep Food Trip

By Arlo Cristobal

A-Venue Tent

                I have always been a fan of Banchetto style food exhibits. It's a place where you can find a wide array of food choices that are relatively affordable compared to restaurants. It is also a good avenue to try out innovative food products for vendors since the capital is smaller compared to renting a space for a restaurant.

                For the food concept, there is a variety of offerings, ranging from isaw to different pasta dishes. Besides the food option, what makes this place unique is the experience itself. A lot of times, we find ourselves deciding which place to eat, often thinking of the food offered in the restaurant. In the A-Venue Tent, you can just opt to go there without planning and simply decide which food to buy without the need to break-up the group. For this reason, this had attracted a lot of young professionals who want to enjoy different types of food, while keeping the cost down. I also noticed a lot of foreigners in the area, which can be attributed to the location.

                To add to the variety of food, there was also a stage set-up for a band. This also gives the place a restaubar feel, where you can hang-out for an extended period of time. This set-up creates a lot of interest to passers-by and, in my opinion, is successful in pulling customers in.

                This venture is definitely a success if the product that you sell caters to the interest of the crowd. Also, since this isn't a high-end place, the price of your food should also be affordable. Another proof of its success can simply be traced to the volume of people in the area, which is quite significant given that we visited on a Tuesday.

Dona Dona BBQ

                Normally, I stay clear of Korean restaurants in Manila. The main reason being the cost. The concept of the Dona Dona BBQ restaurant is quite straight forward – bring the Korean food experience in the Philippines. Although the ambiance of the place doesn't feel very Korean, the food certainly did. Being served by the owner, Dona from Korea, also pushed the experience to the next level.

                The innovation part of this restaurant would have to be the price. For me, authentic Korean restaurants are relatively the same in terms of the food they offer. The main differentiator for Dona Dona BBQ would be how they managed to lower the cost, yet still offer authentic Korean food. Lower price in this case is relative to other Korean restaurants both in the Philippines and in Korea. I'm actually quite interested on how they source and make their ingredients. If it's imported, they are doing a really great job to keep the price down. If it's sourced locally, then they are doing a really good job transforming it to a Korean delicacy.

                Given that the restaurant had been there for 5 years, it's obviously a successful venture. However, success is really subjective, and it seems that the success that they are getting is quite limited to their view of success. They may be profitable, but their profitability may be limited. They are located in a good venue where traffic of people is high. But still, competition in the area is also very high. If they really intent to maximize profit, they should differentiate their restaurant from the competition by starting with the ambiance. They may offer authentic restaurant food, but I would not have known that from the outside. To add, the place looks a bit shabby and would greatly benefit from a good scrubbing.  


                To cap the night off, the group ordered cake and coffee in Goldilocks. Goldilocks had already made a name for itself so we can't really argue with their success as a dessert chain. One thing that could be noted in the branch, however, is that it was the only dessert place I saw in the area. It's also quite convenient since it's along the street.

                Aside from location, the convenience of buying in the place is also quite genius. They were able to maximize the small place, placing a shelf in the middle, while still allowing customers to browse through their products. Their range of offering also doesn't compete with the surround restaurants, but instead complements it. They have cheap, but good coffee. They have snacks, desserts and even cakes that you can buy to surprise the birthday celebrant in the neighboring restaurant. They aren't renting a big space because they don't need to. It won't surprise me if they are generating better profit compared to some of the restaurants in the area.

Food Trip Report - Jenny Liquete

Food Tents in A-Venue
Our first stop for the night is at the open area of A-Venue. It has the same 'food market' business concept as any Banchetto: 1) it has low cost (open parking, tents, monoblock chairs, plastic tables, limited space and lighting), 2) offers a variety of affordable, quick-to-serve meals and desserts, and 3) it is only available at night. Its low price and nightshift schedule target young professionals especially call center employees. Because of its popularity and creative 'food market' approach, even those who are not young professionals or call center agents go and eat there.
In comparison to typical food establishments, the food tents in A-Venue (and other Banchetto-type food bazaars) have a very unique approach to dining. Its two major differences from the usual food establishments are its ragged location/setup and its nightshift schedule. While the typical food establishments do their best to improve the comfort, convenience and satisfaction of its customers, the food tents in A-Venue (and other Banchetto-type food bazaars) are located in open parking areas with only tables and chairs to accommodate the customers. Although it does not give the same comfort as the typical food establishment, it exudes a unique feeling which positively puts the customers out of their comfort zone.
Its nightshift schedule also differentiates itself from the typical food establishments because the latter strictly closes at around 9-10 PM. Food bazaars, on the other hand, have just opened at this time. Employees who have a nightshift schedule would rather go there instead of the usual limited 24/7 stores (ex. McDo, Jollibee, 7-Eleven) because it has food variety. Its unique schedule also makes people view it as a 'food trip' or a happening unlike the typical food establishments where people dine because they need to eat.
These kinds of experiences give the food tents in A-Venue (and other Banchetto-type food bazaars) an advantage because people find it exciting. They love to experience something new and different.
The food tents in A-Venue, unfortunately, have very low differentiation when compared to other Banchetto-type food bazaars. They have the same layout, setup, tables, chairs, and even the menu and vendors. What I saw and experienced during the food trip are also the same during the times I ate at other food markets (Libis and Technohub). All of them have isaw, barbeque, grilled seafood, empanada, sausages, and baked desserts. In addition, there are some food tents in the same location that sell exactly the same food at the same price. During the food trip, there are more than three vendors that sell isaw, pork barbeque and other kinds of grilled dish. What differentiated one stall from another are its presentation of the dishes and impact of the vendor. I noticed that cleanliness, volume and impact of the vendor are three major factors that we consider when choosing which stall to buy from. We buy from the stall that has dishes which look clean and full. We also go back to the stall whose vendor has made a positive impression on us.
Because of the similarity in the products, the management of the food market should streamline their vendors so that there will not be any duplication in the products. It is confusing for the customers and the space can be used for a different product. This will significantly improve the experience of its customers.
If there is one thing that would differentiate A-Venue from other Banchetto-type food bazaars, it would be the live band. Unlike most of the food bazaars, A-Venue provides entertainment for its customers and it works because during our food trip, there are many customers who went there to unwind and have fun.
In terms of its delivery to the customers, the service ends once the customer pays for the food. This is understandable because we do not pay for any service charge. The serving process is also quick which is good because it is more convenient for the customers.
The food stalls that we have bought from are those that sold isaw, vegetable kebab, and regular empanada. The only innovation that I can observe is from the isaw and vegetable kebab stall. It has vegetables in its menu which are cooked in a unique way – as kebabs. Even though grilled is the staple cooking method in this stall, it found an innovative way to use it to their advantage. They were able to use this method to create a different kind of vegetable dish.
Given the volume of people who were eating that night, I can say that the business/food stall is still a success. However, it is already in the stagnant stage. There are only few things that differentiate one food stall from another. Soon, if the variety in food does not improve, less and less people will eat there. It will become another one of the typical food establishments that cannot provide any excitement or satisfaction to its customers. It is important for the vendors to continuously change and improve their menu and stores.

Dona Dona Korean BBQ Restaurant

Next stop is Dona Dona Korean BBQ restaurant. Its business concept can be summed up into three words – authentic Korean restaurant. It offers authentic Korean dishes and experience to its customers. Upon entrance on the establishment, the guard welcomed us with a Korean greeting. We then chose from a menu that was filled with authentic Korean dishes. Appetizers came next and, yes, they are still authentic Korean. Similar to how it is served in Korea, there was an almost endless supply of Korean appetizers in small servings. The main dish followed and we had a first-hand experience in the Korean method of cooking and serving the dishes. To top it all off, we were entertained by the owner who is Korean also.
Its differentiation from other Korean restaurants is its authenticity. There are already many Korean restaurants established in Manila but only few provide a complete and authentic Korean experience. It could have greatly improved the experience, however, if the staff are Koreans also. All of the hairstylists of Tony and Jackey salon, for example, are all Korean. This adds to the whole Korean experience. In addition, the restaurant must redesign its look outside to differentiate itself among the sea of Korean restaurants within the same vicinity. If it was not the first Korean restaurant we have passed, we might not have eaten there because there is nothing catchy about its look or name.
The service of the restaurant, from entrance to exit, was good. The staff and the owner were attentive to our requests and they were able to provide the food within a reasonable time. They helped us cook and serve the food. The dining experience could still be improved by adding vents on top of the grillers like those in Bulgogi Garden Restaurant. When the meat was already being cooked, it was uncomfortably hot for us, especially those near the grills, and it reduced our satisfaction. It was also evident that the restaurant was not frequently maintained even though the prices in the menu suggest that it has budget to maintain the restaurant. Since we are paying a high price for the food and the experience, we are expecting the restaurant to always maintain its establishment.
Unfortunately, there isn't anything new or innovative in this restaurant aside from the personal interaction of its hospitable owner to our class. It would be better if they innovate further by incorporating more Korean culture to this restaurant such as popular Korean songs and Korean paintings.
Aside from these, I can say that the restaurant is successful. Although it has several areas to improve on, there were still many good things in the restaurant. First, there were several customers who were also dining despite its expensive price. Second, the food we ordered tasted delicious especially the marinated meat. Third, the servings were sufficient enough to satisfy our hunger. Lastly, the customer service was excellent.

Goldilocks Bakeshop

Our last stop is for drinks and desserts at Goldilocks. Its business concept is to provide affordable but delicious, since it caters to the Filipino tastes, desserts and take-out meals for those who are on the go. This is evident on the lack of chairs and tables as well as the limited space of the store. In addition to these, only desserts were displayed in the store and meals that are already in packages were being sold.

This is different from other restaurants because its main products are desserts. The to-go meals are just minor products of the store. Usually, meals are the main attraction while desserts are the options. Another differentiation is its to-go concept. It is mainly for those who need to quickly buy cakes for an event or those who need quick-cook meals.

Unfortunately for the store, our class was persistent in eating our cakes there. We also had a long list of orders because we were a large group. It took the cashier and the staff a while before they can finalize our purchases and serve us the cakes. In addition, although its concept is to-go, the staff processed our orders and moved slowly. It almost defeats the purpose of the store which supposedly caters to customers who are in a hurry. The store was not also flexible enough to meet our group's needs. They did not suggest on how we can eat the cakes inside/outside the store and they did not even provide plates even though they have already seen the size of our group. They should have been proactive enough to think ahead for their customers.

Its to-go concept and desserts as the main product are the two innovations of the store. There are limited stores that have these features. Usually, there is a dine-in section in the store. This is a good strategy to get those who are pressed in time because it should already guarantee that there will not be a long queue.
During the food trip, I was not able to see any other customers aside from our group. This may be because of the time since it was already past 8 in the evening when we arrived at the store. Those who needed to buy a cake for an occasion must have already bought earlier while those who needed the to-go meals must have already eaten their dinner. In my opinion, the business has a high probability of being successful because there really is a market for those who urgently need cakes and desserts for occasions and there is also a market for those who need an affordable quick-cook/microwaveable meal. Although the store is located outside the mall, given the limited time of the market, they would not be able to go around the mall and search for a cake or a to-go meal. However, to maintain and improve the customer satisfaction, the store should still learn how to adapt to another market, like our group, who is persistent in dining in because they cannot just ignore these situations. <good report - JUS>

Food Trip Paper by Evan Uy - Sentrep

Evan Uy

Eating and cooking have a very special place in my heart. Ever since I was a young kid I have been
interested in consuming and making food. My mother even enrolled me in summer cooking classes back
when I was in grade school. With those early experiences in the food world, I believe that my taste buds
have been honed well enough.

The Food Bazaar

Last meeting, we embarked on a food trip along Makati Avenue and A.Venue mall. I live in the northern
side of the Metro so going on a food trip in Makati is something I got excited about. Our first stop was
the food bazaar at the open parking space of A.Venue mall. There were lots of interesting eats there
however there were also some dull and unattractive choices. Typical mouth-watering “ihaw-ihaw” like
assorted BBQs were on display to be grilled upon order. The grilling process created appetizing fumes
which made everyone in the place crave for BBQs.

Fiesta-themed Food Bazaar at A.Venue Mall

Just like everyone, the class ordered assorted BBQs – Chicken Isaw, Pork Isaw and Vegetable BBQ. The
isaw tasted ok, nothing remarkable but the price is on the expensive side but still acceptable since
they are leasing out a stall in the mall’s premises. The vegetable BBQ, which consisted of 2 slices each
of bell peppers, red onions and carrots, was a good idea but the execution and actual product was
unsatisfactory. First, the serving was small. I know bell peppers are expensive but those little ones are
not expensive at all. I go to wet markets and our “suki” just gives out free bell peppers. Those BIG (and
branded) bell peppers like the one brought to class by sir Jorge are the expensive kind. Secondly, it

Assorted BBQs

wasn’t cooked very well or wasn't even cooked at all. Eating raw bell pepper and carrots is fine with me
but lightly cooking it is better. A generous slice of red onion, however, when eaten raw really gives a
sharp sting to the point of making one cry. Lastly, the roasted, grilled or BBQ flavor I was expecting was
not there; it was very plain.

I would like to recommend that they use white onion instead of red onion since white onion is not as
sharp when eaten raw. Another suggestion is to marinade or dip the vegetable BBQ in BBQ sauce first
before cooking to give it an extra kick. Grilling the vegetable BBQ well might also give it more flavor and
smoky taste, a perfect complement to the sweetness of the vegetables and the savory flavor of the BBQ

Roasted Veggies and Roasted Garlic

Another appetizer we had was Ilocos enpanada which is a fried pastry with vegetable, longganisa
and egg mixture filling. The empanada was good - crispy and hot. The lady cooking and serving the
empanadas was also entertaining and always giving out smile to everyone.

The whole class also had Gulaman drink along with our appetizers. The drink was bland and only had
a few small bits of gulaman, very frustrating to drink. The vendors should regularly taste their items
especially the local refreshments since the ice dilutes the flavor when it melts.

Aside from the food we had in the food bazaar, I saw some interesting finds there. What really caught
my attention amongst all stalls were the healthy Falafel and Pinoy Peri-Peri. Some of my classmates
and I tried the Flafel, a middle-eastern fried vegetable balls. It was made from scratch right there so
you could really see that it’s fresh. It tasted great, a healthier alternative to other fried foods. For 55
pesos you get 5 small balls, a bit expensive but like the others it’s still acceptable for me since they’re

Ilocos Empanada cooked on the spot

leasing a mall space. The Pinoy Peri-Peri, on the other hand, was also cooked on the spot. Peri-Peri is
the Portuguese counterpart of Inasal, grilled Chicken or any other meat marinated in various spices and
herbs. It’s displayed in a chafing dish with the marinade. My only comment against it is that instead of
grilling the Peri-Peri BBQ, it was pan-fried. I wasn’t able to taste it as the cooking time is long. I will try to
drop by their stall next time to taste their unique offering.

Healthy and delicious Falafel also cooked on the spot

The food bazaar was aimed to appeal to young professionals, students and people living nearby who
want quick and affordable meals; the bazaar offered a wide range of food items with prices friendly to
students, yuppies and alike. It is a place where the mentioned target market can go to everyday since
choices are not limited unlike in restaurants. Since it is located in an open parking space surrounded by
high-rise buildings, ventilation can be an issue once summer starts.

Traditional Pinoy meals – Bagnet, Tokwa’t Baboy

Fresh from Korea

Our second stop is a Korean restaurant named Donna-Donna a few minutes walk from the A.venue mall.
It’s owned by a Korean family who immigrated in the Philippines 5 years ago. Upon arriving here in the
Philippines, the mother of the family establishes the restaurant while her son studies and tries to help
the new family business. What’s good is that the mother and son are really hands on in managing their
restaurant. The mother even served and cooked our food which really made us feel welcomed. The son
is the cashier of the restaurant.

Dona Dona Korean BBQ Restaurant

The food is tasty but the serving sizes are small. Prices of the food are also quite expensive considering
the serving size and the ambiance of the restaurant. The three biggest factors in the success of any
restaurant are food, ambiance and service.

Self-cook Korean BBQ (the owner cooked for us instead)

Food was not as spicy as other Korean restaurants, just right for us! Delicious!

I think Donna-Donna’s service is outstanding and the food is great although there’s still room for
improvement. Their current weakest point is the ambiance and atmosphere of their restaurant. The
lighting was not enough or the temperature of the lights is not ideal for restaurants. They could either
brighten up their restaurant or make the light temperature warmer to create a fine dining-like mood.

Not so attractive interior design

Their utensils were also not matching. I have nothing against old and mismatched spoon and fork but for
a restaurant charging a base price of 300 pesos for a meal, I expect more than that. The interior design
was also half-baked. There’s a nice accent wall showing a Korean inspired design but the other half of

Mismatched and old utensils

The target markets of the Donna-Donna are Korean tourists and immigrant and social classes A and B.
Dining here really costs a hefty sum of money so yuppies and students are rarely seen dining in Donna-

Korean inspired design in one side of the restaurant

The Sweet Ending

We went back to A.venue mall for some after-meal coffee and sweets. We ordered two cakes from
Goldilocks– chocolate mousse and chocolate cherry torte. I ordered Milo since it is the only available

decaf hot beverage. The Goldilocks store we went to was only a take-out store without any dine-in
facility. Fortunately, the establishment beside it, Domino’s Pizza, was a sister company so they allowed
us to use their tables and chairs.

The cakes tasted just as what I had expected them to be– spongy and sweet. Since the cake was spongy,
it was light and easy to eat; it wasn’t overpowering. The sweet cream-based filling was artificially
flavored but was still delectable. The cakes were not really gourmet choices but for its price tag, it’s not
bad at all. It’s a comfort food you can eat any time of the day.

Sweet ending at Goldilocks take-out store in A.venue mall.

As the biggest bakery in the country, Goldilocks targets a very vast market – from classes A to D, kids to
the elders, professionals to home makers and so on. They have a wide range of food items, from cakes
to assorted Filipino pastries to instant Filipino meals like dinuguan and lechon paksiw. The interior of
the take-out store in A.venue is very refreshing to my eyes. The modern interior design is brightly lit
with accents of pastel blue and yellow colors. Quality of the food items are consistent with every other
branches I’ve visited so far.  <very critical and observant;  detailed>

Food Trip Report by Athens Cruz

Athens Cruz
Prof. Jorge Saguinsin

Food Trip Paper
When the food trip was announced, I was ecstatic. It was good news for me because I really love food. I arrived early at the venue so I scouted the place before everyone arrived. Great people bonds over great food.
I.                   Appetizer. A-Venue Parking Lot Food Bazaar
Food bazaars are the most amazing place to have a food trip. It offers a wide variety of food you can choose from.
In general, this food bazaar was surprisingly good. There were foods I am not familiar or never heard of like the Peri Peri. What surprised me the most was foreigners lined up for this one.
There were Mongolian, Korean, Middle-Eastern foods available. I noticed that the foreigners who went to the food bazaar knew exactly what they want to eat. I could not resist trying the falafel although it was not in the list of foods we planned to try.
I was at my usual self whenever I’m at a bazaar, asking too many questions trying to establish rapport with the stall owners. I have tried joining bazaars before (but my goods are children clothes) and I often ask them about their income. The concept was good for the food bazaar. To me this is the most different food bazaar I have tried so far. The variety of food makes it unique.
In my opinion, this concept was a success judging by the number of people going to the area.
II.                Korean Restaurant – Dona Dona Korean BBQ Restaurant
Nowadays, there are many Koreans that comes here in the Philippines for too many reasons. The most common reason is education. Korean restaurants proliferate too. The experience was exciting especially the grilling part.
It is not as different as other Koreans restaurants, but they tamed the Korean flavors of the food they offer to suit the palate of other nationalities.
The experience of grilling adds value to the experience of customers, cooking their food. They also help the customers in grilling. For people who wanted to try Korean cuisine this can be the first restaurant they can try so that their palates can get used to the spices and flavors of a typical Korean food.
III.             Dessert. Goldilocks
After all the stops, I was so full and I couldn’t dare bite another. When I found out that we were headed to Goldilocks I was not happy. I’m not fond of their cakes, so I really don’t think it was the best choice for the group. Unfortunately, it was the only place where we could have dessert.
I already have a prejudice about what it would taste like but I was wrong. I did try both cakes and it exceeded my expectation. Goldilocks is really pushing the standard of their cakes. I might have to try buying cakes from them in the future.
We knew the business concept behind Goldilocks, but what is striking about this particular shop at this location was the many opportunities it caters. It is a very strategic location, since it is the only store that offer cakes, pastries and other sweet products Filipinos are fond of. Because of this, it made the store different.
This venture is a success because at this specific location they are the only one that offers cakes and other sweet products.

The overall experience of the food trip was great. The businesses that we visited offer a diverse food. I just realized that a food business never really goes out of fashion.