Thursday, March 7, 2013

Important Reminders for the last three entrep sessions

TO         :   Sentrep and Mentrep classes

Some important reminders:

l. By this time, you must have submitted the topics and outlines of the business plan which constitute major portion of your grade.  Take advantage of the last 3 session which include today to consult on your business plan proposal.

2.  Deadlines:

       l.  All the assignments:  NU 12, SR, group reports, etc are due on the last day of the class.  No extensions.  Late submissions get nothing.

Please send to the correct email addresses:

NU 12:

SR, group reports, case analysis:  

I am frequently asked the question why they did not see their assignment. Some explanations:

      l.  It had an attachment;

      2.  They forgot to put their name on it;  author unknown;

      3.  It was missent to another address; at this time, this is happenning.

      4.  The student must redo the report/assignment.

Please seek the assistance of Athens Cruz for sentrep;  Dr. Tim for Mentrep 

Sending the assignments on line correctly is a test of being process/six sigma oriented.

      2.  The business plan is due 45 calendar days after the last day of class. 

3.  Elsewhere I have emailed the logistic requirement of the entrep guest. Please take note and care of these.

4.  For the food trip, a report is required. It is a practice of OLO:  Observe Learn Observe  It must contain:

     l.  What is the business concept;  how is it different, unique and how it is delivered to the customers

    2.  What is the innovation/new about the food stall ( or A Venue?)

    3.  Is the business/food stall success or failure?  Why or why not.

    The Sentrep class will enjoy 3 types of food

5.  We will have the last two cases for the final two sessions:   Red Crab and Entrep Families of Asia


Prof Jorge

P.S. :  Tomorrow, MBAH class starts at 8:30 am as per request of Dra Elsie


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