Friday, September 13, 2013

Factors Paper by Rachelle Roque

Hi Sir,

Resending my Factors paper. I'm afraid that the attached screenshot of my result in the 1st one I sent won't work. So, I just retype it. Thanks

What factors I do / don't posses that make / do not make me a Business Entrepreneur
To be an entrepreneur requires a lot of skills & knowledge. I always wanted to be an entrepreneur but I'm not yet sure if I'm ready for it. So, I took the Kauffman FastTrac Entrepreneurial Characteristics Survey from Forbes website to test my entrepreneurial traits, and I got the ff result:
"You ARE an entrepreneur. With proper planning and consideration, you are driven and rewarded by innovation and problem solving. You, too, should document a personal vision. And, don't do it alone. Surround yourself with others—mentors, advisors, peers, associates, investors—who buy into your vision and will serve as a sounding board and support mechanism to help you ensure long-term success for the company you create"
To get a second evaluation, I also answered the Entrepreneurial Personality Quiz in Instinct: Tapping Your Entrepreneurial DNA to Achieve Your Business Goals also found in the Forbes Website. According to the article, "it is based on the widely used, five-factor model of personality: Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism–which combine to form the catchy acronym OCEAN."
It gave the same interpretation that I have the potential to be an entrepreneur (I got a result near "Raise a Capital Now" rather than "Work for a Man"), but also showed that I still have many skills to improve. To further assess myself, I analyze my personality based on the given five factors:
Openness to Experience
"This aspect of personality measures how receptive you are to new experiences and ideas. If you're open to experience, you tend to think creatively, try new things and have many interests."
For this trait, I think I'm an average. I'm curious & always want to learn something new, and that's why I'm taking MBA. I'm not comfortable with routine, so I always find alternative ways of doing things. I can say that I'm open to experience. However, I don't think that I'm that creative yet. I know that there are alternative ways, but I find it difficult to find what that alternative way is.
"This aspect gets at your ability to plan to achieve goals and restrain impulses. Being highly conscientious means you probably have a sense of your own ability to get things accomplished and control your destiny."
As the eldest in the family, I was raised to be responsible in everything I do. That's why I grew up doing well in school. People usually say that I'm dependable, whether it's in our house, in the school and even in the office, because I always give my best & don't disappoint others. I always find ways to achieve our goal & to meet the deadline, no matter how hard it is.  My boss always tells me that he doesn't worry when he's on leave as long as he knows that I'm in the office. But I think the not so good side of it, is that sometimes I become too workaholic.
"This factor deals with how comfortable you feel actively seeking out and connecting with others. If you're an extreme extrovert, you have the gift of gab. You are assertive, energetic and high-spirited—the "life of the party."
Extroversion is a great asset for entrepreneurs but unfortunately, I don't have it 100%. I'm fun loving, who enjoys being in the company of friends. I love talking to different people, though I also prefer to be alone at times. But generally, I love meeting new people & learning from them. I think the problem is I find it difficult to take the 1st step whenever I meet new one. I always need someone to introduce me to that person because I can't do it myself. I know that, if I want to be a good entrepreneur, I have to develop this trait. I need to have more self-confidence in dealing with people.                                                                                                                                                            
"The ability and desire to cooperate with other people, establish harmonious relationships and get along well with others is linked to entrepreneurial success, but in a nuanced sort of way."
Generally, I can get well with a lot of people. But people close to me knows that I have my own mind, I am low in agreeableness. I may compromise with others & follow what majority wants, but I always make it sure that I said my point. I fight for what I believed in even if others disagree.
"Neuroticism measures how strongly and negatively you react to the stresses of life."
To be honest, I panic easily; especially during the times that I feel so much pressure from the people I don't want to disappoint. But I can recover easily, and I think it is part of being optimistic. I always believed that I can get over it, and encouraged myself to do better.  
By taking online assessment, I was able to analyze myself more; not only as an entrepreneur, but to discover more about my personality. Overall, I have the high side & low side to be a good entrepreneur. I have the determination & discipline to be a good entrepreneur however; I have to improve my communications skills. I have to learn more in dealing with other people because networking is important in entrepreneurship. And I think it's good to know both.  Knowing our strengths enable us to capitalize on it, knowing our weaknesses tells us what to improve. But for me, it's not necessary to change our character just to be a good entrepreneur. I think even the best entrepreneurs in the world doesn't perfectly have these traits. Everyone is unique, & I just need to believe in myself that I can do it my own way.

Rachelle Irene Roque

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