Showing posts with label Spentrep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spentrep. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Last Spentrep Session last night April 7, 2014

AGSB de la Costa Campus, Makati City Philippines   |  April 7 2014

                                     This was the gift to the Entrep Guest -  great idea class/Trizza

                                        Ateneo Entrep

We had the last session of the Spentrep class.  The entrep class of Regis (8 weeks) and the Spentrep (15 weeks) were almost co terminus.

For the last session we had:

1.  #Entrepreneurs night (we had two guests)

2. The #Jeopardy Class game

3.  Closing session.

Group 2: PDQ - Kamote Q - Spentrep

Link of Group 2 PDQ Presentation, Kamote Q

Grace Agustin

Special Report on Business and the Bible by Grace Agustin MM

Hi sir,

Below is the link of my SR, Business and the bible


Sunday, April 6, 2014

Special Report by Kristhel Molina of Spentrep - Fan Li uploaded at Slideshare

Here is the Special Report of  Kristhel Molina on Fan Li a famous Chinese guru on business.  His work is better than that of Sun Tzu which is largely on war.  Fan Li's work was mainly on business.  Kristhel works as a brand manager for a branded rhum product

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Images of the Second to the last session of Spentrep Class at H de la Costa last night March 31

H de la Costa AGSB Campus  | March 31, 2014

                                       Victoria court case analysis

Here are some of the images of the Spentrep Class at H de la Costa.  The students complained that this site has been unfair to Spentrep,  There are less pictures of their class at this site.  I told them, there are not too many students in the class and there not too many activities worth posting.  I am multitasking as  a facilitator,  a photographer, and a blogger.   I still have to make post/link this to Twitter and FB

Here are some photos of the class tonight:

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Spentrep Class attended the Opeman Energy Forum instead of having a class

To support the 17th Opeman forum which was about energy, our class in Spentrep decided to  attend  the forum instead of holding a class. I saw Gracey Agustin (who manned the registration for their MM class)) Gen Ursua, Rocky Gabatin, Trizha, Zordialine and Francis.

Energy is an important and significant opportunity look into.  We have dwindling fossil fuel resources;  China is blocking our potential source of cheap energy (the Scarborough shoal).  Fuel prices are on the way up because of growing scarcity.  KSA oil fields yield are on the way down, and its even investing  in solar to show how scarcity is affecting theem too.   USA claims it does not have to import oil, but its Bakken fields costs are exceeding revenues. 

The Spentrep students are to submit a paper

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Spentrep activities last night March 10 2014

These were the things we did at Spentrep last night:

                                   You are invited to the Opeman Power Sector forum on March 24, 2014


1.  Campaign by Opeman class for Energy Conference on March 24, 2014.  As support for Grace, we will cancel the class and instead attend the forum in full force.

2.  Case book acquisition c/o Perry.   Trizza will handle this by ordering through Sir Perry

Thus the schedules shall be:

March 17   - case analysis  2 to 3  (Pranav, MC2, Mico)

March 24  -  Opeman forum

March 31  -  Case Analysis  -  Entrep Families,  Victoria court (discussion leader Rocky)

April 7      -  Some lectures  Entrep guest (please mind the certificates, parking and token)

1.  Review of the entrep course

2.  Special report:

     Social entrepreneurship by Zordialine Brickner -  this was thorough and incisive good report

               Illac Diaz, a social entrepreneur par excellence with Prof Jorge

The class  laughed when I joked about Illac Diaz was a half brother.  They were pacified when I said he looked more like Pope Francis

     BOS by Rocky -  the ERRC and the BOS tools were missed however

3.   PDQ by Rocky's group.  However, the other group howled in protest when I took their picture as they did not have their picture before.  The PDQ is the Enterprise Delivery System.

It answers the 3rd question in strategy formulation:

       1.  Where are we now (internal and external analysis)

       2.  Where are we going (Business Objectives:   VMOKRAPI)

       3.  How do we get there?  (strategy  -  SPATRES)

                               I said I took their picture because of the General's daughter

                                Rocky, Carlo and Jen;  their PDQ was very very detailed

                                 Pope Francis and Sis Grace protested over the unfair photo ops


                                 They all laughed when I commented "payag si Tatay?"

Sunday, February 16, 2014

ENTREP Francis Butiong Factors Paper

Francis Butiong
Prof. Jorge Saguinsin
Factors Paper
50 Item Entrepreneuralism Questionnaire Results
Personality Trait
Low   Fairly-low    Average    Fairly-high  High 
 Achievement Striving
 Taking control
Business used to run in the family. When I was younger, my mom managed a small drugstore/bakery. I wasn't really interested in business or anything outside my industry; which is the art industry. I was, and I guess, still am an artist at heart. But then, I don't want to be an employer for the rest of my life. The only thing that's holding me back from actually taking the risk of starting my own business is that I don't have that much experience when it comes to managing. I took the exact same Entrepreneur test that Trizza took.  Taking the test made me think really hard about how I am career-wise or how my mind works.
Based on the results, my strongest point is 'achievement striving.' This means that getting a high score on this area reflects how motivated a person is to succeed. I believe that deep inside, I know what to do to succeed in life, I just haven't found the motivation to actually get out of this limbo that I am in right now, which is known as the "quarter life crisis" stage. I am eager to do something; I just haven't figured it out yet. But once I do, I'll go on full force and take the risk, and get on the train. I think that this factor is the driver of all other factors included in becoming a great entrepreneur.

Getting a high score in 'passion' means a person's decision is heavily influenced by their emotions. Meaning, the person shows higher enthusiasm for the work that they're doing than many people. I believe that I'm an enthusiastic person. Most of the time, I get enthusiastic at work. And most of the time as well, I notice that even my co-workers go along with my enthusiasm. I think that this plays an important role in becoming an entrepreneur because you have to have that positive aura/way of thinking to make your team motivated enough to tackle the tasks that each day brings.

I was wondering why 'creativity' is not my strongest point, considering that I'm an artist. But then, being creative in 'art' is different from being creative in coming up with innovative ideas/products/etc. Art has no limitations. I can paint or draw whatever I want. But being creative when it comes to coming up with new ideas has its limitations. But then again, being creative doesn't mean that it's only limited to thinking of ideas and art. Being creative also means that when handling problems, you generate different ideas on solving them. You use abstract and lateral thinking than conventional and traditional thinking when making decisions. And as I mentioned last meeting, a person tends to be creative when under pressure or when certain circumstances arise.

Getting a fairly high score in 'taking control' means that a person is relatively confident when taking control of situations. It is also related to the psychological personality theory of "locus of control," meaning an individual believes they can control events that affect them. This is something I'm still honing. Honestly, I am not confident that I am capable of leading a team or taking control of a big situation because I still don't have enough experience. There have been chances of me getting promoted to team leader, but I didn't take them because I wasn't confident with the thought of going to school at the same time, working full time. But there have been instances when I took over our team lead's job and it felt really nice managing the team. I like the feeling of having the authority but yet not abusing it.

I got an average score in 'industriousness.' This means that it's a person's level of persistence, resistance to stress and self-discipline. I will paste what the website says about getting an average score in industriousness. "You may handle stressful or challenging situations about as well as most people. You may at times work well in high pressured environments, but not necessarily all the time. You may become distracted or procrastinate about as much as most people." This, I believe is true. There are times when I work best under pressure; to the point of giving up is not an option. There are times, well, recently I have been procrastinating. And this is because I still don't know what to do in my life. I have plans, but I don't know which one to prioritize.

I believe that the 5 given factors play unique roles in being a great entrepreneur. And taking the test made me realize that I am capable of being an entrepreneur; I just have to get out of this limbo, stop procrastinating, and start taking risks while I'm still young. I just want to share this quote I read somewhere "the moment you think of giving up, just think of the reason why you held on for so long." 3

Friday, January 24, 2014

Comments on the Business Plans submitted by previous Spentrep Class

Rizal  Philippines   | January 24, 2014

I am just about to complete checking the Business Plan submitted by the MM and Spentrep class last semester, some 50 calendar days ago.  They were supposed to submit this last January 10, 2014 which was 45 calendar days after the semester ended.

I know that we need to develop this skills among our MBAs especially those are taking Entrep as elective subject.  A BP is a guide on how to start and run your start up well.  (Although the trend now with other quarters are to:   1.  come out with the business model as your guide/dashboard 2. and for lean start up to come up with MVP  -  minimum viable product at once and test it - at once. Rapid prototyping, having  a product is very important if you are to race to the market place and be the market leader, and rake in the profits.

Some salient points:

1.  The Business Plan is 25 points of the total grade.  It is the final exam, the convergence of all the learning for the semester..  This is where we apply the lectures, the cases, the special reports, and the slideshare presentation on BP, the group creative activities on Micromarket, the PDQ.

2.  The BP format as prescribed has to be followed and not less than 40 pages as specified in the syllabus.  Before, if the paper does not follow the format or is less than 40 pages, it gets a 1.  This quarter is more forgiving.

3.  Be sure:  there is a table of contents and executive summary.  The organization the offerings are not mentioned at the bottom but are important nevertheless

4.  At the concept, as part of the learning on lean start up, you must have 3 word tag for your business.  It should be catchy and denote your business that is MAGIC, UNIQUE, DIFFERENTIATED, MESMERIZING, SEDUCTIVE, MAGNET, ENCHANTING, A WOW BUSINESS.

4.  The salient points to be graded are:

     1. Business concept and model  10%

        Concept  -  50 words or less that describes the business:  the product, benefits, the PTM, and the location, and even positioning.  We did a lot of exercises on this on group creative activities and impromptu exercises in the class

       Business Model   - the BM canvass has to be used, and briefly described.   Focus on the MVP.   This is the dashboard of the business.  The BM answers a basic question -  how does the business make money.  Therefore the cents and pesos have to be specified in the cost and revenue portion of the BM.  It should not escape the eye of the student, if any of the elements of the BM can be innovated.

     2.  Business objectives  10%  VMO KRAPI

     Hand outs have been given at the start of the semester and they must be followed.  After going through the FS, the student goes back to the SMART objectives and the KRAPI

    Most students forget the job generation part;  we have to remember the Ateneo Nation Building motto.  How do you contribute to nation building

   3.  The Product     10%

        1.  What are the customer wants and needs being satisfied;

       2.  What are the demographics and psychographics of the PTM

      3.  What are the features?  What are the benefits?

      4.  Competitive analysis  ( on many fronts, the product, the company, distribution, ads, promo, special deals, SWOT if you may)

      5. Alpha and beta testing

      For the lean start ups:

      1.  You need the prototype, the Minimum Viable Product

      2.  The 3 word tag to capture the imagination of the prospects

      Surprisingly, many miss this out.

4.  Market estimate:  20%

    The outcome of this portion is to make an intelligent guess estimate of the the sales.  Where do you base your sales..

    The case for this is  Pranav,   The group creative activity is micromarket

    The macro and micro analysis (which includes the traffic count and analysis of sales of similar establishments in the same service or catchment area)  Unfortunately, many stop at the micromarket and fail to make a jump to the sales estimate

    This is the proving  portion, after having studied your product, the customer, and the competition, you can sell this much.  This ME portion supports the Financial.  Will you have enough volume to break even?

   Is the risk worth taking because you have enough buyers.

   Will you do a pilot or market test?  Did you do an FGD?

5.  EDS  20%

    Enterprise Delivery System;  this portion was taken in MICO.  This is SPATRES mentioned in the handout by Morato on Strategtic Planning.

   This is is SPATRES:  Strategy, Program (Projects) Activities, Tasks, and Resources

   This is ITO:  INput Throughputs, and Outputs, Matching and Outcomes

   Inputs:      4M:  materials, money, materials machinery

  Throughputs:    activities, projects, programs, Job Descriptions, business process and improvements:;  job descriptions, controls, manuals

  Outputs:   Products and services

  Matching:   4ps of marketing.  The products and services must match the Customer Wants and Needs.

  Outcomes:  The business objectives mentioned in the first part of the BP.


You must be able to discuss this in great detail;  and it could not be less than 40 pages.  Please do not submit that contains a one page infographic.

6.  Financials:  20%

    It must contain at least 3 elements:

   1.  Cash flow

   2.  Profit and Loss

   3.  Balance Sheet

   This office tries to furnish the student with spreadsheet template (Excel on how to do this easily)  Most have built in ratio.  You must know how the thing works, not necessarily how to do the Excel.  The student must understand how this connects with the objective, key resources and activities.

7.  Compliance with the regulators: 5%

   You must conform to the local national, and even international regulations.  And may include ISO accreditation.   Discuss how you are going to comply.  Will you be a good citizen?  Will you pay the correct the taxes?  How will you deal with difficulties with regulators:  with corruption and facilitation?

8.  Exit strategy:    5%

This refers to two business situations:

When things get bad:  how to bail out?  How do you liquidate, what are your contingencies to lessen your loss?  What are the red flags?  What are the thresholds for bailing out?

When business is good and is profitable:

Plans for succession, IPO, selling for profit? How do you add, multiply, subtract, or divide?

Unfortunately many students neglect this and get nothing as a grade for this.  Please pay attention on this section

Please follow this format.  Please see my slides on BP at slideshare on BP preparation


1.  The BP should be 40 pages or more.  When you do your EDS well and thoroughly, it could be more than 40 pages, just for EDS

2.  Have a table of contents.   (You do that for strama)

3.  Have an executive summary, although you write this last

For the last term, 3 students got a grade of 1 for the following reasons:   their BP were less than 40 pages as specified;  they did not contain the  above mentioned parts, did not have enough data and details to prove that the business is viable, and can be operated; and were badly written.  Some were cut and paste afffair, which is a  bad practice for somebody who will soon be called a Master of BA


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Activities last night at Spentrep at H de la Costa January 20 2014

Rizal, Philippines   | January 21 2014

                                  Group 2 presenting:  Francis, Christel, Trizza, Zordialyne

We had the following last night at the Spentrep class::

1.  Opening prayer:  Sino ako by Jamie Rivera with lyrics

2.   Inspirational Song:   What a wonderful world by Louis Armstrong with lyrics

3.  IV presentation by Grace and Francis

4.  Group creative activity by Groups I and II

    The main ingredient that came from me were:   strawberry (bonus brand), bell pepper, and cherries.  The groups were not prepared and they had to excuse themselves to buy the ingredients.  Anyway we had one hour to prepare for the dish required in the group activity.

    There must be a minium of 2 dishes to be prepared:  one sour and one sweet . The groups had to submit 1.  menu  (the ingredients, bom) and process how to prepare the same - 5 points    2.   the product prototype (the mininum viable product)

Read about Prof Jorge blog on cycling

Monday, January 13, 2014

Factors Paper by Rocky Gabatin

Rocky Gabatin
Prof. Jorge Saguinsin, MBA

Factors Paper:
What factors I do / don't posses that make / do not make me a Business Entrep (not more than 3 pages). You can do a self assessment available from the internet. Do a thorough self analysis.

     Using an online "Entrepreneur Self-Test (see Appendix)," there were 5 factors considered in order to assess my entrepreneurial potential. These were motivation, capacity related to business skills, capacity related to networking and partnership, support from family and friends, and support from the community. Out of the possible score of 100, I scored 81.25 which was considered as "High Potential." This result was not very surprising for me because I always wanted to start my own business.

     In terms of motivation, I never doubted myself when it comes to putting up a business. Although there were times as I grew up that I swung back and forth between several business ideas, I was also motivated and certain to build my own business. In fact, I recall myself saying to myself and to others when I was younger that I will never be satisfied being an employee for the rest of my life. I knew that I needed something more; I knew that I can be an entrepreneur.

     Under the motivation section, there was one factor in which I scored myself low—"creative." I can be honest that I am a work-in-progress in terms of creativity. I cannot cite any instance where I can say that I made a breakthrough about something. Despite this, I can recall several occurrences where I demonstrated resourcefulness; I believe that resourcefulness is part of being creative. Yet again, creativity is coming up with something out of nothing; I still have to achieve that feat for me to be confident to say that I am creative enough.

     My capacity related to business skills, I believe, is adequate and is continuously improving as I mature. A huge parcel of this is attributed to my education. I can say that both my undergraduate degree in Psychology and my current pursuing of MBA are a good combination in being a good entrepreneur or businessman. After all, business is chiefly run by people (link to psychology) and tools (link to MBA). In addition, I grew fond of reading books related to both psychology and business. In a span of only 5 years, I realized that I have read a lot of leadership books to fill an entire bookshelf. Not to mention that I also have been acquiring and reading e-books regularly.

     I must admit that my capacity related to networking and partnership can still be improved. I am innately an introverted person who goes out of my shell every now and then. I am not an extroverted person who is sometimes reflective. I understand that networking and partnership is crucial in any business, so I need to learn to be more comfortable dealing with people from all walks of life. My experience in middle management in my current employment gives me a good opportunity to hone this characteristic.

     When it comes to support from family and friends, I can say that I have more support from my closest friends than from my family. I could say that both my parents are risk averse, so they cannot fully support me in my business ventures. However, my friends have always been pushing and motivating me to start as soon as I can because they believe that I will excel at it. I remember telling one of my friends that I am finally setting up my business this year, and he said "Bakit ngayon lang?" (Why only now?). For me, this kind of support enables me to push myself harder and work smarter as I go along.


Mind mapping at Spentrep

January 13, 2014

There are five ideas related to entrepreneurship that are rather confusing.  These are:

To make the understanding easier, I requested the Spentrep class to do a  Mind Mapping  (original source was Tony Buzan

These were the results of the mind mapping at Spentrep last January 6, 2014

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Special Report by Camille de la Cruz

Hi Sir,

Please see attached embed codes for the Special Report I did on class. 

I forgot to e-mail this but I did the report in class. Thanks.

Camille Dela Cruz

New Product Design by EJ group

Also uploaded at:

From: Junio, Emmanuel V (EJ)
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 12:26 AM
To: ''
Subject: SPENTREP: New Product Design/Concept

Monday, December 16, 2013

Our Spentrep Class Last December 9, 2013

AGSB, H de la Costa campus,  December 16, 2013

Tonight, we will have our 2nd session for Spentrep Class in H de la Costa. There were only 8 and is in danger of being scrapped because 8 is the Break Even number  I have been told that there was one additional enrolee.  And is just one short of being considered sustainable.

There were 8 enrolees and only 6 attended.

We walked through the syllabus and we went through some lectures at the slideshare.  And we had a debate:  Entrepreneurs Born Made or product of serendipity or opporutnity.  Trizzia, the lone defender for the made won the debate as per Rocky, the class leader for the debate. It is unfortunate that I was not able to post at once.  I could not find the pictures I took (the camera has senior moments!)

Why did Trizzia win because "3 siya"  Hahaha

Who enrolled in the class:   Zordialine, Francis, Trizza, Rocky, Cristhel, Pamela Ann (a) Carlo Senica and Jennifer (a) Thanks for enrolling;  it is going to be hard 

                              Francis, Trizza, Rocky, and Carlo

                                   Zordialine at the extreme left and Cristhel

                                  Francis and Zordialine engaging in war with words

                                        3 siya vs the Rock

Monday, October 21, 2013