Showing posts with label special report. Show all posts
Showing posts with label special report. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

6th Entrep Session Schedule

We are making up for the non academic day last meeting last March 14, 2014.   We may go overtime in order to accommodate the schedule.  And or we have to stick closely to the time alloted.

Thanks Jopet

Hi Prof Jorge and classmates,

            Below is the suggested schedule for our 6th Entrep Class session on March 21,2014. Let's manage our time
 well so we can still tackle the things we missed last meeting.

6:00pm6:15pm    SPECIAL REPORT  Verman Reyes  A Man Named Boy
6:15pm6:30pm  Jose Tiburcio "Bong" Canlas
6:30pm 6:45pm Ner Joseph "Jopet"Pineda Called to Excel
6:45pm 7:00pm Roman "Roms"Cruz The Way of the Shepherd
7:00pm 7:15pm Angelbert Orseno Failing Forward
7:15pm 7:30pm Elizabeth "Lisa" Timbol
7:30pm 8:00pm    DINNER
8:00pm8:30pm      INSPIRATIONAL            VIDEOS Marlon Pizarro
 Rophele "Pao" Ocampo
  Christine "Tin" Tubig
  Eduardo " Doc Edu" Tuazon
  Arlene Panganiban
  Michael  "Mike" Tan
  Maria Farrah "Chic" Feliciano
8:30pm9:00pm FINANCE PRESENTATIONJose Tiburcio "Bong" Canlas

Monday, February 24, 2014

Special Report by Carlo - " The World is Flat"

 Why is the world flat?  What are the flatteners?

How do entrepreneurs profit/get wealthier in  a flat world?   It is more complicated?

Is ASEAN integration part of the flat world?  Why are so many anxious about this ASEAN integration?   We are part of the flat world since l989.  Since then we are living in an integrated world, and ASEAN is just one of them.


Special Report by Francis Butiong - Confucianism

Here is the link to my Special Report about Confucianism

Friday, February 21, 2014

Special Report by Jen Ursua

Please see my special report <iframe frameborder="0" height="400" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no" src="" width="476"></iframe>

Thank you,

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Our Spentrep Class yesterday February 17, 2014

Rizal Philippines  |  February 18, 2014

We had 7 attendance yesterday at the Spentrep class:  Francis was sick and Pam quit her two subjects in MBA all together because of conflict with her work. She was assigned a challenging project and she asked me to sign her withdrawal form.

There were only 3 things we did last night:  the IV of Christel, the Special reports of  Jen (whom I learned is the daughter of retired General Ursua of Philippine Army) who reported on "Go Negosyo"and of Grace Agustin who reported on the "Business and the Bible"  Jen Ursua even had a prop:   the professor was wearing a Go Negosyo shirt (which is a rare shirt and which was given only to a Go Negosyo lecturer) and letter from the CEO of Go Negosyo Mr. Joe Concepcion III.   (I wish we could post Joey's letter here. That I wore that T shirt in time for her report, she said was serendipity. (She is 53 yo?)

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Pam's Special Report on BPO UI AGSB last January 11 2014

Hi Prof,

Please see below for my special report link uploaded on Slideshare:

or embed code is:

<iframe src="" width="476" height="400" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>

Thank you,
Pamela Joy L. Go
+63 917 6250701

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Special Report by Camille de la Cruz

Hi Sir,

Please see attached embed codes for the Special Report I did on class. 

I forgot to e-mail this but I did the report in class. Thanks.

Camille Dela Cruz

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Jeopardy Game for the next session


To          :   Emmanuel

Thru:      John

Jeopardy Game.

As agreed upon yesterday, you and a partner (preferably a lady) are commissioned to conduct a Jeopardy Game (a fun way to review what we have taken up so far.

The coverage shall be:

1.  All special reports so far (until yesterday)  You may ask  "One thousand battles, one thousand victories"  "Modern day Sri Lanka"  etc.

2.  Slideshare lectures of Prof Jorge:

Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Opportunity Seeking, Screening, Seizing

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Social entrepreneurship

Business Model ImprovementPersonal Mastery

3 There will be two jeopardy.  The first round consists of having all the four groups answer all the questions.  Who gets the highest score.

Then the second jeopardy.  You ask one question and all four groups bet their winnings.  It is a true test of how strategize.

Can we do this in 30 minutes?


Special Report by Ed Vargas - Confucianism

This is the special report by MM Spentrep Student Senior Manager at Meralco commercial operations on Confucianism.  Our moral standards and what we value affect how we conduct business, and lead our own organization. Vicky correctly pointed out that in an entreprise, their symbols say that leaders take care of their people

Special Report - A. Dela Cruz on D School featured on Slideshare

Good evening again sir:)

Here's the link to my special report on Slideshare.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

What are the purposes of the Special Reports?

The Special Reports are worth 10 points in our grading system.  The student makes the report in the class and I ask for comments, discussion.  Then they upload this at Slideshare for sharing with the class primarily.  The other students do not have to take notes and later on they will remember, in the Slideshare archive, what we did in class.  Lasting memories, eh.

1.  The SR is any of the following general classification:   self mastery, mastery of the environment/opportunity, and mastery of the enterprise.  This goes back to our debate on the first day.

2. The SR trains the student to be special (unique, differentiated, noticed), as with the inspirational video.  Every entrepreneur must have a compelling very noticeable, differentiated (not with diprensiya!) business to survive, flourish in the marketplace.

3.  At least the student must have remembered one thing in this entrep class - his special report, permanently archived at Slideshare.

4.  Posting at slideshare publicize the student.  Slideshare presentations are viral and places the students name and the topic at the top of Google Page Search.  Slideshare is owned by Linked In, a search engine for professionals.  It makes you visible to head hunters, recruiters, and other senior executives.  You will not be unemployed for a long time

So what are the following special reports all about?  self mastery, mastery of the opportunity, or the enterprise  (still about nature, nurture, and swerti)?

      1.  John Gokongwei?

      2.  Business and the Bible

      3.  Blue Ocean Strategy

      4.  Sun Tzu  (this is tricky)

      5. Confucianism

Special Report by Racheller Roque at Slideshare - Three Princess of Serendip

Hi Sir,

Here's the link to my uploaded special report: Three Princes of Serendip. Thanks

<Please make it clickable link next time. I had to convert this to link format>
