Showing posts with label Ed Vargas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ed Vargas. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Special Report by Ed Vargas - Confucianism

This is the special report by MM Spentrep Student Senior Manager at Meralco commercial operations on Confucianism.  Our moral standards and what we value affect how we conduct business, and lead our own organization. Vicky correctly pointed out that in an entreprise, their symbols say that leaders take care of their people

Friday, September 20, 2013

Factors Paper of Ed Vargas

Edgar D. Vargas                                                 Entrepreneurship                            Prof. Jorge Saguinsin

Factors Paper

What factors I do/don't posses that make/do not make me a Business Entrepreneur?

I came from a poor family, my father was an ordinary laborer and my mother was a plain housewife having only finished 2nd year college and high school respectively. Life was difficult in the 70s and with four mouths to feed, mother would often times borrow from the neighborhood sari-sari store or borrow money from relatives just to make both ends meet.  In fairness to my parents, we never skip a meal though and they made sure that we all attended school.  In order to augment the family's income mother would occasionally accept laundry jobs from well-off neighbors or cook ''kakanin"or "kalamay" or prepare "lutong bahay" that we would sell to our neighbors. You may consider these episodes as my first venture to selling and early exposure to entrepreneurship. Our parents taught us also the value of having an education and graduating from college would be our passport to a better life.

Having gone through life's difficulties while growing up, motivated me to set lofty goals and ambitions for my self, achieve them and succeed. Since my parents can only afford public school, I made sure that I will not only pass but I must belong to the top ten of the class. As a result, I graduated first honorable mention in high school and took a rather difficult course in college. I took up Electrical Engineering at the Mapua Institute of Technology, graduated and thereafter, immediately passed the board.  I made sure also that I get employed by one of top companies in the country.  I got hired by Meralco, set a goal that I would someday become a manager.  I got motivated even more to succeed in my career when I got married and got two sons. I have to make sure that I provide them the best in life and send them to the best schools to ensure an even better future for them.

Being the eldest of four siblings, I am a natural leader. When my father went abroad as a seaman because his job at that time was no longer enough to sustain a growing family and send us to school, I was tasked to help my mother look after my brother and sisters while he was abroad.  As a good leader, I led by example such that we all graduated from college. The same leadership quality I brought in leading my co-workers and team mates and in raising my own family.

As a student a persevered to be on top of the class and my determination was rewarded by graduating with honors in high school. The same perseverance and determination I carried when I got employed up to now when I became an operations manager and currently taking an MBA course in Ateneo to prepare for a senior position in the company and equipped myself for my ultimate goal of running my own business.

My self-confidence and enthusiasm towards work made me rose from the ranks, from being a junior engineer to my present position. In my 25 years in Meralco, my tour of duty in a particular office averages only three years.  After that, I either apply for a higher position or apply to another office where I can further develop my competence and management skills.

 I would volunteer to be a member task forces or newly formed organizations where I can practice my creativity and show my imagination. It was from these special assignments and newly created offices that I developed my tolerance towards uncertainty and a positive outlook towards failure. For me, failures are successes turned upside down when you learn from it and use them as an opportunity to improve better.

In my years of working with Meralco I looked for more challenging jobs and for that I would say that I am also a risk taker. In doing so, I also learned to cope with stress and consider it as part of the territory. In fact, it was in stressful situations that my mettle was tested.

I believed that one should be the master of his own destiny, the captain of his ship. If we don't control our own future then others will. This was the reason why I held several positions in Meralco because when I see an opportunity for development in my career, I don't hesitate to give it a try and grab them.  If that is being ambitious, I guess I really am.

If we set a goal or objective we should be ready to act on it, otherwise that will remain a dream. When I was small, I dreamt of one day succeeding in life. I imagined myself having the comforts of life – my own house, my own car; the respect and admiration of family, relatives and friends. I did something about my dreams – studied hard and work hard. I still believe that old-fashioned hard work is still one of the key to success.

When I set a particular goal, stay focused and make sure that my actions are according to plan. However, I don't forget also to enjoy life while staying on course.  I guess life would be a breeze if you enjoy what you're doing.

Having gone through life's challenges and my working experiences, I believe I have what it takes to be a business entrepreneur.

In summary, I believe I possess the motivational factors to make me a business entrepreneur.  I have the longing for achievement and desire to succeed in whatever undertaking.  I like to lead and the associated power and control appeals to me. Challenges and risks get me going.  I want the freedom to create and succeed on my own.

I possess the abilities of a potential entrepreneur such as perseverance and determination.  I have the self-confidence and enthusiasm to try new things. I take calculated risk and a positive attitude towards failure. As an engineer by training and profession, I am creative and imaginative.

My attitudes towards life of being the master of your own destiny, having a vision, setting your goals and working hard to achieve them will make me a good business entrepreneur.

I want also to make a difference in the life of others no matter how small as my way of giving back for the many blessings I received from God by becoming an entrepreneur that will give opportunities to better the life of others.

The foregoing factors were validated when I took the self-assessment to test my entrepreneurial potential where I scored above average in all the factors in motivation, aptitudes and attitudes. 3.5

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

We finally had the first day of class yesterday September 2 2013 for Spentrep

AGSB H de la Costa Campus September 2, 2013

          Group 4 which included Ed V and Ana DLC, introduced Entrepreneurship by way of a debate

After 3 weeks of delay, we were finally able to hold the Spentrep class.  Many students came early;  I came early too so did Perry.  We started the class early;  I played "Sayo Lamang from You Tube"

I then asked the class to reflect on the song and they said it is about AMDG, it is about religion, <it is about vocation -  whether business or religion>  In entrepreneurship, you have to give all.  Nothing succeeds without passion.  And we recall what Steve Jobs said about being in business  "Love what you do and do what you love"

I found out that Mr. Ed Vargas, one of the students I emailed last week from Meralco, used to be the Branch Boss at Meralco at Angono, where I come from

Then we walked through the syllabus (the blogpost - they do no have hard copies, well that saves a lot of paper) We talked about assignments and the blog submission.    And then practiced/warmed up on new ideas/brain storming on id's and other plain items that we see daily.  More detailed product concept will be done next week. 

Our last activities for the night was formation of the groups, assignment of class sec (John Galicia - he volunteered;  thanks John) and the debate:   "Are entrepreneurs born (nature) made (nurture) or lucky?"  The debate was tightly structured and they could not talk much.  Group 4 was the moderating group and they voted the nurture group (entrepreneurs are made) to be the winner.  But it was tightly fought debate and the difference between groups was only a point each.  There were debate summaries as well as running score (on line)  It was a well managed debate.

I requested Ana who graduated from AdemU as Magna Cum Laude, who MCd the debate to make her comments and and say the closing prayer.  She also teaches at AdeMU. (Ateneo de Manila Loyola)

We went over time and we went home late (by 9:20) I was home by 11:30

                                 Hmm Sen Kiko Pangilinan in my class....

                                        Mr. Zhaoli and Yanan Zhao

                                     Our MM cross enrolees

                                     Regrouping for the debate

                                         Group I   the nature group - entrepreneurs are born

                                  Final rebuttal by group 2 -  Entrepeneurs are made (nurture)

                                     Our elders in the class (who include me)!