Showing posts with label Anthony Parungao. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anthony Parungao. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Factors Paper by Anthony Parungao

Anthony G. Parungao – FACTOR PAPER
Top 5 Characteristics of an Entrepreneur BY Armin Laidre
Most people desire to be an entrepreneur. Becoming your own boss and creating your own career is very attractive to most people. Additionally, many movies glorify people who found a way to make a living on their own. However, not everyone has an entrepreneurial mindset. If you ever desired to be an entrepreneur, you need to examine yourself. Here are the top five qualities of an entrepreneur.
Below are the following characteristics which I examined based on my personal character traits.

I don't need anyone to force me to work or anybody be held accountable for actions/works that I do in order for me to be efficient or effective for that matter.  I make it a point to do things in the proper manner (efficient) and doing the right thing (effective) the first time so as not to waste time and effort.  In the real world, it takes hard work to create your own business.  More than a 100% dedication and passion is needed to sustain your own business.   Before having my own business, I've been in the corporate world and was lucky to experience and be surrounded by self-motivated people.  I had the opportunity to develop and keep my spirits high in work no matter how discouraging the situation is and not be content with mediocrity.  So in order to excel and succeed in business, it is essential to have self-motivation.


This is the aspect of being an entrepreneur that I fall short of.  As an architect, our creativity in designing is somehow an adaptation to what is already existing in the real world which we simply modify to create a "new" design.  Seldom do you see exceptional designers who create their own but on a certain extent have adapted from an existing design.  In creating your own product in business, whether a tangible product or a service, this will often be created from adaptation and copy cat from existing products and services.  While my existing construction business is purely service, these are somehow generic.  It's so hard to differentiate your service from competitors.  Other competitors can also provide personalize and worry-free services.  What I wanted to learn from this class are actual comments or suggestions that I can learn from my peers.  They can serve as a customer-based reactions that I can actually implement through this learning process.      
As we have debated in our first session, entrepreneurs cannot rely purely on luck and opportunity.  With the fast-paced ever changing environment, we must adapt to these trends and be ready with the evolving surroundings.  I think earning this MBA will provide us the proper tools but these learning from school.  If you want to be successful in your business, we really have to nurture ourselves and use our intelligence, creativity & intuition.
When I decided to open my own business, I knew I needed to rely on the network that I have through the years working in the corporate world.  It is essential in any business that you have developed the much needed contacts in different aspects of the business. However, not everyone has your best interest in mind. You may encounter naysayers, manipulators and scammers. Therefore, you must not allow yourself to be easily influenced; you must be authoritative. Though there is nothing wrong with taking advice or opinions, in the end, you must make decisions that you strongly believe will better your company.


Before I started putting up my own business, it all started with a vision - a dream.   I acted on that dream with a little push from a colleague.  Taking small steps towards accomplishing my  goals with every step. However, not all steps and decisions are easy to take. Successful entrepreneurs only made it past the difficult times by being strong-willed. They never let pessimism, difficulty or any other problems stand in their way.

After assessing myself with these five qualities, I have learned that I need to harness some of these mindsets in order for me to become a real entrepreneur. While everyone has the ability to follow their dreams,  however, only some people actually try. 

While there are other qualities and personal reasons for engaging in our own business, there are a lot of things that has to be taken into consideration aside from the 5 characteristics above.  I've engaged in various business endeavours but have not really succeeded in this entrepreneurial task.  Somehow, I'm beginning to believe that no matter how you nurture your talents, it takes a bit of both inherent/inborn qualities and opportunity to enter and be succeed in the world of self employment or entrepreneurship.  <contrary to your winning position on the debate?)  3

Submitted by Anthony G. Parungao
September 16, 2013

Friday, September 13, 2013

Query on Dry Cooking - Group Creative Activity this coming Monday

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Anthony Parungao
Date: Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 6:57 AM
Subject: Dry cooking

good morning prof.

Just would like to inquire regarding our group activity product concept & prototyping
for monday.  For the dry cooking activity, aside from the bell pepper and strawberry
ingedients,  can we bring cooked meat, herbs & spices to complete a specific menu?

There will be no cooking process to be done during the activity, right?  We just have
to mix or blend them with whatever ingredients we deem necessary to attain a new
food concept.

For your comments please.


<Reply:   You are very right! >

Prof Jorge Saguinsin


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Blogsend emails (for submission of assignments)  for new 12 submission

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

We finally had the first day of class yesterday September 2 2013 for Spentrep

AGSB H de la Costa Campus September 2, 2013

          Group 4 which included Ed V and Ana DLC, introduced Entrepreneurship by way of a debate

After 3 weeks of delay, we were finally able to hold the Spentrep class.  Many students came early;  I came early too so did Perry.  We started the class early;  I played "Sayo Lamang from You Tube"

I then asked the class to reflect on the song and they said it is about AMDG, it is about religion, <it is about vocation -  whether business or religion>  In entrepreneurship, you have to give all.  Nothing succeeds without passion.  And we recall what Steve Jobs said about being in business  "Love what you do and do what you love"

I found out that Mr. Ed Vargas, one of the students I emailed last week from Meralco, used to be the Branch Boss at Meralco at Angono, where I come from

Then we walked through the syllabus (the blogpost - they do no have hard copies, well that saves a lot of paper) We talked about assignments and the blog submission.    And then practiced/warmed up on new ideas/brain storming on id's and other plain items that we see daily.  More detailed product concept will be done next week. 

Our last activities for the night was formation of the groups, assignment of class sec (John Galicia - he volunteered;  thanks John) and the debate:   "Are entrepreneurs born (nature) made (nurture) or lucky?"  The debate was tightly structured and they could not talk much.  Group 4 was the moderating group and they voted the nurture group (entrepreneurs are made) to be the winner.  But it was tightly fought debate and the difference between groups was only a point each.  There were debate summaries as well as running score (on line)  It was a well managed debate.

I requested Ana who graduated from AdemU as Magna Cum Laude, who MCd the debate to make her comments and and say the closing prayer.  She also teaches at AdeMU. (Ateneo de Manila Loyola)

We went over time and we went home late (by 9:20) I was home by 11:30

                                 Hmm Sen Kiko Pangilinan in my class....

                                        Mr. Zhaoli and Yanan Zhao

                                     Our MM cross enrolees

                                     Regrouping for the debate

                                         Group I   the nature group - entrepreneurs are born

                                  Final rebuttal by group 2 -  Entrepeneurs are made (nurture)

                                     Our elders in the class (who include me)!