Showing posts with label March 14 2014. Show all posts
Showing posts with label March 14 2014. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

6th Entrep Session Schedule

We are making up for the non academic day last meeting last March 14, 2014.   We may go overtime in order to accommodate the schedule.  And or we have to stick closely to the time alloted.

Thanks Jopet

Hi Prof Jorge and classmates,

            Below is the suggested schedule for our 6th Entrep Class session on March 21,2014. Let's manage our time
 well so we can still tackle the things we missed last meeting.

6:00pm6:15pm    SPECIAL REPORT  Verman Reyes  A Man Named Boy
6:15pm6:30pm  Jose Tiburcio "Bong" Canlas
6:30pm 6:45pm Ner Joseph "Jopet"Pineda Called to Excel
6:45pm 7:00pm Roman "Roms"Cruz The Way of the Shepherd
7:00pm 7:15pm Angelbert Orseno Failing Forward
7:15pm 7:30pm Elizabeth "Lisa" Timbol
7:30pm 8:00pm    DINNER
8:00pm8:30pm      INSPIRATIONAL            VIDEOS Marlon Pizarro
 Rophele "Pao" Ocampo
  Christine "Tin" Tubig
  Eduardo " Doc Edu" Tuazon
  Arlene Panganiban
  Michael  "Mike" Tan
  Maria Farrah "Chic" Feliciano
8:30pm9:00pm FINANCE PRESENTATIONJose Tiburcio "Bong" Canlas

Sunday, March 16, 2014

AGSB Clark Off Campus Activities last March 14, 2014

Angono, Rizal Philippines   | March 16, 2014

 The class at Wall Green Restaurant of Dr. Edu in Concepcion Tarlac;  l to r, Sophia, Rophele, Farah, Verman, Michael, Marlon, Liza, Roman, Dr Edu and Prof Jorge

Today marks the 493th anniversary of Ferdinand Magellan' s discovery of the Philippines

Last Friday, March 14, 2014 we had off campus activities for entrep class at AGSB clark.  Our schedule which was posted at Prof Jorge at Ateneo blog covered visits to the business of Liza, Michael Tan and Doctor Edu Tuazon. Then afterwards, we were supposed to have Finance Spread sheet discussion by Bong Canlas, the PDQ analysis.

However, since everybody enjoyed the place of Dr. Edu,  I decided not to break the fun and double time instead on the next meeting.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Activities on Session 5 (March 14,2014)

Hi Prof Jorge and classmates,

For our next session in our Entrep Class on March 14,2014, we will have a visit of the businesses of our classmates. Below is our itinerary and schedule of our class. To save time, we will go directly to Guagua Rural Bank for our first site visit instead of assembling first in Ateneo Clark. Attached are the agreed assignments and activities for your reference. Kindly take note also of our respective schedules for the special reports and inspirational videos.

5 pm                       Meeting place and first visit - Guagua Rural Bank ( c/o Lisa Timbol)

                                Fil-Am Road Friendship Angeles City (location map link is available in the attachment)

5:30 pm                Enroute to Timog Residences (c/o Mike Tan)

                                Sunset Angeles City

6pm                       Enroute to Dr Edu’s Restaurant / Farm

                                Concepcion Tarlac

7pm                       Finance Presentation by Bong Canlas


7:45pm                       Dinner

8:30pm                 PDQ  presentation

9pm                       Case discussions

10pm                     Enroute back to Angeles City

Special thanks to Lisa, Mike and Dr Edu for their hospitality to open their businesses to the class. Thanks to Chic and Lisa who offered van transportation and Roms who will bring the projector. Many  thanks to Dr. Edu for offering his place to conduct our class and to Prof Jorge for giving us the opportunity to see and learn from the businesses of our classmates.
Please let me know if you have any clarifications or suggestions.

Thanks and regards.
