Showing posts with label Jopet Pineda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jopet Pineda. Show all posts

Friday, April 18, 2014

Pranav Case by Jopet Pineda AGSB Clark Entrepreneurship

Hi Prof. Jorge,

Below is my Pranav case analysis.

Thanks and regards.



Marc Orbos and Karlo Nisce opened up Pranav New York at Robinsons Galleria in November 2004 . It was a part of their Management Research Report to complete their requirements for their MBA graduation at the Asian Institute of Management. Pranav New York was envisioned to be the first male spa in the Philippines integrating grooming and wellness services for Filipino men. After three months of operations, Pranav New York already incurred losses amounting to P825,568.

<![if !supportLists]>1.       <![endif]>Pranav New York was not able to attract its target market due to its inaccessible location. It lacked the much needed high traffic incidence since its location inside Robinson’s Galleria was not accessible unlike the other barber shops who were located at the ground floor of Robinsons Galleria. It was also located at the opposite side of the area where male working professionals are concentrated and the demographic mix at Robinson’s Galleria skewed towards the female segment which comprised 60% of the mall goers.
<![if !supportLists]>2.       <![endif]>Profitable and high value services such as the massage and oil treatments were not maximized which led to a net loss in their first three months of operation.
<![if !supportLists]>3.       <![endif]>Pranav was not able to maximize the floor area and its ability to offer a wider variety of services to customers was limited.
Action Plans:
<![if !supportLists]>1.       <![endif]>Pranav New York should find a new location inside Robinsons Galleria that would be easily accessed by its target market. It should locate where there is high foot traffic like in the ground floor of the mall or near traffic inducers such as popular dining establishments and famous retail stores. In one of the surveys conducted, they found out that the primary reason of customers in selecting barbershop was convenient location. Locating inside the mall is still preferable given the constant foot traffic generated by the mall. If it decides to stay in Robinsons Galleria, it should also tap the female market given the predominance of females in the said mall. It was also found out that females spend more over males on grooming services. To effectively attract the female market, Pranav should adjust their products and marketing efforts to get the attention of the female segment in Robinsons Galleria.

<![if !supportLists]>2.       <![endif]> If Pranav cannot find an accessible location inside Robinsons Galleria, it should consider moving out to another mall or area where there is an abundance of male working professionals who goes to barber shops and salons for their grooming needs after all, Robinsons Galleria’s mall goers skewed towards the female segment.

<![if !supportLists]>3.       <![endif]>Pranav should also maximize its high values services such as the oil treatments and massage by giving staffs additional incentives if they get customers availing on these products. This is to encourage the staff to push these highly profitable services. It can also bundle grooming services with massage and provide discounts to customers who avail of the promo. The staff should encourage every customer to stay longer inside Pranav and patronize other services especially the high value ones.

<![if !supportLists]>4.       <![endif]>Pranav should also maximize its floor space by using barber’s chair to enable its staff to do a wider array of services such as shaving and massage to their customers more efficiently using the barber chair.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

6th Entrep Session Schedule

We are making up for the non academic day last meeting last March 14, 2014.   We may go overtime in order to accommodate the schedule.  And or we have to stick closely to the time alloted.

Thanks Jopet

Hi Prof Jorge and classmates,

            Below is the suggested schedule for our 6th Entrep Class session on March 21,2014. Let's manage our time
 well so we can still tackle the things we missed last meeting.

6:00pm6:15pm    SPECIAL REPORT  Verman Reyes  A Man Named Boy
6:15pm6:30pm  Jose Tiburcio "Bong" Canlas
6:30pm 6:45pm Ner Joseph "Jopet"Pineda Called to Excel
6:45pm 7:00pm Roman "Roms"Cruz The Way of the Shepherd
7:00pm 7:15pm Angelbert Orseno Failing Forward
7:15pm 7:30pm Elizabeth "Lisa" Timbol
7:30pm 8:00pm    DINNER
8:00pm8:30pm      INSPIRATIONAL            VIDEOS Marlon Pizarro
 Rophele "Pao" Ocampo
  Christine "Tin" Tubig
  Eduardo " Doc Edu" Tuazon
  Arlene Panganiban
  Michael  "Mike" Tan
  Maria Farrah "Chic" Feliciano
8:30pm9:00pm FINANCE PRESENTATIONJose Tiburcio "Bong" Canlas

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Activities on Session 5 (March 14,2014)

Hi Prof Jorge and classmates,

For our next session in our Entrep Class on March 14,2014, we will have a visit of the businesses of our classmates. Below is our itinerary and schedule of our class. To save time, we will go directly to Guagua Rural Bank for our first site visit instead of assembling first in Ateneo Clark. Attached are the agreed assignments and activities for your reference. Kindly take note also of our respective schedules for the special reports and inspirational videos.

5 pm                       Meeting place and first visit - Guagua Rural Bank ( c/o Lisa Timbol)

                                Fil-Am Road Friendship Angeles City (location map link is available in the attachment)

5:30 pm                Enroute to Timog Residences (c/o Mike Tan)

                                Sunset Angeles City

6pm                       Enroute to Dr Edu’s Restaurant / Farm

                                Concepcion Tarlac

7pm                       Finance Presentation by Bong Canlas


7:45pm                       Dinner

8:30pm                 PDQ  presentation

9pm                       Case discussions

10pm                     Enroute back to Angeles City

Special thanks to Lisa, Mike and Dr Edu for their hospitality to open their businesses to the class. Thanks to Chic and Lisa who offered van transportation and Roms who will bring the projector. Many  thanks to Dr. Edu for offering his place to conduct our class and to Prof Jorge for giving us the opportunity to see and learn from the businesses of our classmates.
Please let me know if you have any clarifications or suggestions.

Thanks and regards.


Factor Paper by Jopet Pineda

Ateneo De Manila University

Graduate School of Business


Factor Paper

Submitted to:

Prof. Jorge Saguinsin

Submitted by:

Ner Joseph C. Pineda

My eighteen years in GlaxoSmithKline Philippines as a field sales manager has contributed a lot as to who I am presently as an entrepreneur. GlaxoSmithKline has eight leadership essentials to guide and mold its employees to ensure that every employee lives GSK’s mission of enabling people to do more, feel better and live longer. GSK’s leadership essentials are as follows: performances with integrity, people with passion, develop self and others, innovation and entrepreneurship, alignment with GSK interest, accountability for achievement, sense of urgency and everyone committed, everyone contributing. As a field sales manager, I gave much emphasis and worked on accountability for achievement, performance with integrity and people with passion while also giving importance to the other leadership essentials.

Being accountable for my team’s achievement was taking full responsibility for the successes and shortcomings of my team. I made sure that my team is equipped team with the necessary skills, knowledge and passion to be successful. I was very determined to help my team exceed our corporate and individual goals so they can continue to grow in the company and to grow as persons. We were also accountable to our own performances and achievements that we constantly tried to identify and seize opportunities to grow our business and how can improve our ways of working. Currently, I am making my people in our cafeteria accountable to their respective roles. I want them to realize that they have a responsibility to do their work properly and contribute to our goals of maximizing sales and minimizing costs.

Performance with integrity was also very important for me and my team in GSK. We believe that our performance should be a product of our hard work, commitment and passion. I also inculcated in my team the importance of sanctifying our jobs and roles in the organization. This will ensure that we are guided by a common divine and supreme Authority. Recently, I fired one of my staff in the cafeteria after I learned that he manipulated the inventory reports for his personal gain. I explained to my staff that integrity and trustworthiness is very important to have a productive and harmonious relationship. I also reiterated that they can approach me in cases they need help or assistance especially in their finances.

Being passionate in what we do contributed a lot in our success. Though our jobs in GSK continued to be challenging every year, we inspired each other in our team with our energies and spirits to lighten our load. We tried to be passionate in everything we do to deliver the best possible customer service to our stakeholders and to find opportunities to grow our business. In my current cafeteria business, I am trying my best to continue this passion by continuously thinking of ways to grow our business and how to improve our ways of working. The things I mentioned above are some of the important things that I am very grateful of with GSK and these things will surely help me become a better entrepreneur. The other leadership essentials are equally important and helpful to me during my stint with GSK.

When I availed of GSK’s early retirement program, my immediate goal was to increase the sales of our cafeteria business to compensate for my income in GSK. It was not easy since there were many challenges that I faced but I managed to increase the average daily sales by at least 30%. I thought of ways to attract more students to patronize our cafeterias by coming up with more variety in our snacks and lunch menu. We included healthy dishes like vegetables and fishes in our daily menus. We offered snacks usually food in food courts to attract the students like pan cakes, french fries, siopao, hotdog, fish balls and “quek-quek”, shakes and other Filipino delicacies and snacks. I also offered new items like ice cream, more fruit and sports drinks, imported candies and chocolates. I also talked to my staff and taught to be more customer centric and oriented. Also, I was able to put up a control system which enabled every employee to be accountable in their respective roles and to ensure that our operational expenses stay at a minimum.

On the other hand, in line with our desire to expand our current business and to explore other opportunities, I feel the need to be more courageous in terms of taking risk and engaging in new business ventures that I am not necessarily very familiar with. Since being an entrepreneur usually entails using hard earn capital, I am being held back a bit and wants to be sure that our hard earned savings would not go down the drain. I think I need to overcome my being a “sigurista” and take calculated risks to grow our business and to continue exploring for opportunities like what I did in GSK. I should also look for other opportunities outside my current endeavours. I believe that there many opportunities to seize and I just need to learn and master these new business opportunities. I think that I need to be more creative and innovative to be able to differentiate our business from competition and to provide high value services and products to our customers.  I know that I can contribute more in our society by creating more job opportunities and by exceeding the expectations of our customers.  3

Prof Jorge Saguinsin



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