Showing posts with label Trizza Castro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trizza Castro. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Images of the Second to the last session of Spentrep Class at H de la Costa last night March 31

H de la Costa AGSB Campus  | March 31, 2014

                                       Victoria court case analysis

Here are some of the images of the Spentrep Class at H de la Costa.  The students complained that this site has been unfair to Spentrep,  There are less pictures of their class at this site.  I told them, there are not too many students in the class and there not too many activities worth posting.  I am multitasking as  a facilitator,  a photographer, and a blogger.   I still have to make post/link this to Twitter and FB

Here are some photos of the class tonight:

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Business Plan Concept and Outline-Trizza Castro

Hi Sir Jorge,
I was the one who sent the Business Concept (The GREENER Project) yesterday. Since you’ve replied that there is a prescribed format, I REVISED my outline based on your comments from last semester’s submitted Business Plans.
The GREENER Project
“Now, there is FUN in eating HEALTHY that never tasted this EXCELLENT
  1. Business Concept:
Basically the concept is a food store (for dine in or take out) that offers healthy foods like salads, sandwiches, wraps, fruit salad mixes, soups, fruit juices and fruit shakes. The catch is that, the customers can customize or they will be the one to prepare their food. They can choose/mix the ingredients for their salad, sandwiches and wraps.
There will be an ULTIMATE SIGNATURE food for salads, sandwiches and wraps and an ULTIMATE SIGNATURE drink for fruit juices and fruit shakes.

Business model?  3 word tag?
  1. Business Objectives
  1. Vision
  2. Mission
  3. Objectives
  1. The Product
  1. Product Description (Features, Pricing)
  2. Benefits of the Product
  3. The Target Market
  4. Explain how to apply product satisfaction
  5. Demographic and Psychographic behavior of the Target Market
  6. SWOT Analysis
  7. Execution of the Prototype, the Minimum Viable Product
  1. Market Estimate
  1. Market Analysis (Micro and Macro
  2. Promotional Strategies
  1. Enterprise Delivery System
  1. Inputs, Throughputs, Outputs
  2. Money, Machinery, Materials and Manpower
  1. Financials
  1. Income Statement
  2. Balance Sheet
  3. Cash Flows
  1. Process in Tax and Regulatory Compliance
  2. Exit Strategies
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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Factors Paper by Trizza Rushel V. Castro

What factors I do / don't posses that make / do not make me a Business Entrep (not more than 3 pages). You can do a self assessment available from the internet. Do a thorough self analysis.
Before writing this paper, I tried a self assessment test in the Internet for readiness on becoming an Entrepreneur. This is the result:
50 Item Entrepreneuralism Questionnaire Results
Personality Trait
Low   Fairly-low    Average    Fairly-high  High 
 Achievement Striving
 Taking control
The link used is Achievement Striving is a person's internal motivation to achieve outstanding results and their propensity to work hard towards goals. Industriousness is a person's level of persistence, resistance to stress and self discipline. Passion refers to an individual's emotional intensity, enthusiasm and emotion-based decision making. Taking control is related to the psychological theory of "locus of control", the extent to which individuals believe they can control events that affect them. Creativeness is the use of imagination to develop and implement original and innovative ideas.
At a very young age, I was already exposed to businesses and entrepreneurs. My parents owned a "Carinderia" when was a kid, we also experienced a franchise of Triumph (a lingerie shop), and now, at present my father is managing a closed lending corporation. My mom, on the other hand, is presently working with the Department of Trade and Industry and they routinely organize trade fairs (where new products are introduced). From there, I had the chance to be involved in their activities and I was amazed of the new ideas created. In college, I took up Business Administration, obviously also exposed to trade fairs and other business activities. It goes to show that in terms of knowledge and awareness, I am somehow trained and experienced to be an entrepreneur.
Surprisingly, I possess some attitudes and habits that entrepreneurs have. Maybe because of the exposure I had when I was still a kid. I love discovering new things and when someone would come up to me and share an idea, I become proud and excited on how it will realizably turn out-the feature and purpose. From then on, I feel that I am always curious and in search for discovery.
I am a leader and that means I need to direct but I also need to follow. I also need to follow my subordinates because they too can create new ideas or new ways that can attain our goals. I am a follower. I don't mind working with someone else besides, it will be more helpful for me because someone is there to support and criticize my work. Through that person, I will gain more knowledge and experiences. I will learn something new.
 I am not afraid to take risks and I like to have that feeling of being challenged in taking new projects or overcoming problems. "If you will not act now, when will be the right time?" What if that opportunity passed?
I can handle stress and I also like cramming. I can still work effectively even in stressful situations especially if there are only few hours left before deadline.
When problems arise, I believe that there are other alternatives or if not, there will always be a contingency plan. I see good solutions in every problem. Everything is possible.
As a person, I want to be recognized on what I have done well. I want to be appreciated. Most of the time, people only criticize your wrong ways and decisions. Sometimes, I become more motivated if people also criticize the good work I have done.
For me, action is very important. No matter what people say I always find a way to prove that my ideas make sense. I become persistent. The action must be executed well.
I have the capability of imagining things and how I can make it work. Most of the time, I am already owning the situation because I am confident enough that the situation will turn out the way I imagined it to be.
I always give my best and my full confidence on a certain project given to me especially if its in my area of competency but if I failed, I will look at is as an opportunity to improve or learn. Like an artist said "Failure is only the opportunity again, only this time, more wisely"
Leading people is not easy especially in motivating them to do the action but the important thing is the effort I make in giving them the motivation they need.
People know that change is the only constant thing in this world. I am a person who is open to change and if I need to make sacrifices for that change, I will be ready. In the business world, everything is fast pace and I should be part of that fast ride.
It is okay to be ambitious and I am proud to be one. I am hungry for something new-innovation, new ideas, new discoveries. This ambition will remain an ambition if I will not find a way to achieve it. And I must achieve in the right and ethical way. 3.5
"Seize the Opportunity"

Trizza Rushel V. Castro
 Entrepreneurship, MBA