Showing posts with label Illac Diaz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Illac Diaz. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Spentrep activities last night March 10 2014

These were the things we did at Spentrep last night:

                                   You are invited to the Opeman Power Sector forum on March 24, 2014


1.  Campaign by Opeman class for Energy Conference on March 24, 2014.  As support for Grace, we will cancel the class and instead attend the forum in full force.

2.  Case book acquisition c/o Perry.   Trizza will handle this by ordering through Sir Perry

Thus the schedules shall be:

March 17   - case analysis  2 to 3  (Pranav, MC2, Mico)

March 24  -  Opeman forum

March 31  -  Case Analysis  -  Entrep Families,  Victoria court (discussion leader Rocky)

April 7      -  Some lectures  Entrep guest (please mind the certificates, parking and token)

1.  Review of the entrep course

2.  Special report:

     Social entrepreneurship by Zordialine Brickner -  this was thorough and incisive good report

               Illac Diaz, a social entrepreneur par excellence with Prof Jorge

The class  laughed when I joked about Illac Diaz was a half brother.  They were pacified when I said he looked more like Pope Francis

     BOS by Rocky -  the ERRC and the BOS tools were missed however

3.   PDQ by Rocky's group.  However, the other group howled in protest when I took their picture as they did not have their picture before.  The PDQ is the Enterprise Delivery System.

It answers the 3rd question in strategy formulation:

       1.  Where are we now (internal and external analysis)

       2.  Where are we going (Business Objectives:   VMOKRAPI)

       3.  How do we get there?  (strategy  -  SPATRES)

                               I said I took their picture because of the General's daughter

                                Rocky, Carlo and Jen;  their PDQ was very very detailed

                                 Pope Francis and Sis Grace protested over the unfair photo ops


                                 They all laughed when I commented "payag si Tatay?"

Friday, November 15, 2013

Partnership example with PRME Human Nature a presentation by John Michael Go AGSB MBA graduate

APS Auditorium, Rockwell, Makati City PHL |  November 15 2013.

Human Nature

Two Michaels spoke this morning for Session 4A:  Brother Michael Broughton, Vice Chancellor for Mission (equivalent of Rachel Consunji) and John Michael Go, Social Enterprise Development Head of Human Heart Nature, a company founded by Ana Wilkes, the daughter of Tony Maneloto of GK fame.  (Ana Wilkes was an entrep guest of this professor at his entrep class several years back)

Michael, I would say is a compleat social entrep, perhaps near the stature of Illac Diaz.  The Dean said he wanted to invite Nobel Prize laureate Mohammad Yunus on the 40th year of AGSB.  I have read the book of Yunus on social entrep, and I would say Michael, has a very good working knowledge of social entrepreneurship.  And when he scales his projects up, he would reach the footprints of Yunus.

Michael said he went into this Social Enterprise and left his former job, because, he thought it was his calling, as part of the awakening from Ateneo that our country is our business that he really has to touch the majority of the Filipinos.  Most of the poor people in the country are farmers.  But nothing was ever mentioned in MBA about agriculture (Several years back, I tried to connect CLSU, and Philrice with AGSB, but nothing happened.  AGSBs direction if about something else, and there has been mention of disconnect between what people say and what they do)

And so he decided he will go full time with his social entrep project Trese and decided he will work with Ana Wilkes Human Nature which would venture into personal care products. It was his way of engaging in the life of farmers. He was one of the first 16 workers and honestly he doubted if it would succeed.  But it does now.

He does end to end (supplies and retail) social enterprise development projects.  It does not only develop the business of Human Nature, but improves the life of farmers. 

Human natures local branches are expanding;  they do business abroad, they compete with the giants.  But they are Pro Poor, Pro Philippines and Pro Nature.

We at AGSB are proud of you Michael for having metamorphosed as a  pioneer social entreprise practioner in the PHL.

                                        AGSB MBA 2011 graduate

                                       John Michael Go's social entrepreneurship

                                     Two Michaels presenting at PRME