Showing posts with label EDS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EDS. Show all posts

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Group 2 PDQ observation on Banana cue

This is the practice for creating EDS -  Enterprise Delivery System.  This is the heart of the Business Plan -  how objectives of the enterprise are met.  This is the Bible the how to of the business.  It must be done completely and thoroughly. Strangelythough, few students are up to par in this area of BP.

Hi Prof Jorge,

Below is  group 2's link to PDQ power point presentation.

Thanks and regards.



Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Spentrep activities last night March 10 2014

These were the things we did at Spentrep last night:

                                   You are invited to the Opeman Power Sector forum on March 24, 2014


1.  Campaign by Opeman class for Energy Conference on March 24, 2014.  As support for Grace, we will cancel the class and instead attend the forum in full force.

2.  Case book acquisition c/o Perry.   Trizza will handle this by ordering through Sir Perry

Thus the schedules shall be:

March 17   - case analysis  2 to 3  (Pranav, MC2, Mico)

March 24  -  Opeman forum

March 31  -  Case Analysis  -  Entrep Families,  Victoria court (discussion leader Rocky)

April 7      -  Some lectures  Entrep guest (please mind the certificates, parking and token)

1.  Review of the entrep course

2.  Special report:

     Social entrepreneurship by Zordialine Brickner -  this was thorough and incisive good report

               Illac Diaz, a social entrepreneur par excellence with Prof Jorge

The class  laughed when I joked about Illac Diaz was a half brother.  They were pacified when I said he looked more like Pope Francis

     BOS by Rocky -  the ERRC and the BOS tools were missed however

3.   PDQ by Rocky's group.  However, the other group howled in protest when I took their picture as they did not have their picture before.  The PDQ is the Enterprise Delivery System.

It answers the 3rd question in strategy formulation:

       1.  Where are we now (internal and external analysis)

       2.  Where are we going (Business Objectives:   VMOKRAPI)

       3.  How do we get there?  (strategy  -  SPATRES)

                               I said I took their picture because of the General's daughter

                                Rocky, Carlo and Jen;  their PDQ was very very detailed

                                 Pope Francis and Sis Grace protested over the unfair photo ops


                                 They all laughed when I commented "payag si Tatay?"