Showing posts with label Group 2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Group 2. Show all posts

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Group 2 PDQ observation on Banana cue

This is the practice for creating EDS -  Enterprise Delivery System.  This is the heart of the Business Plan -  how objectives of the enterprise are met.  This is the Bible the how to of the business.  It must be done completely and thoroughly. Strangelythough, few students are up to par in this area of BP.

Hi Prof Jorge,

Below is  group 2's link to PDQ power point presentation.

Thanks and regards.



Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Urban Renewal: Landscaping Ideas by Group 2

Good afternoon Prof Jorge!

I'm re-sending our Urban Renewal output because it did not appear in the blog.  Probably because the link wasn't working.  Below is working link.  Thank you sir!

Landscaping Ideas for Urban Renewal by Group 2
Members:  Cat Chua | Marty Dagdag | Mako Franca | Rhea Jardin | Gads Santos

Micromarket Analysis of Teriyaki Boy & Sakura

Hi Sir!

Re-sending the link to the micromarket analysis of two Japanese restaurants by Group 2.  Thank you.

By Group 2:  Cat Chua | Marty Dagdag | Mako Franca | Rhea Jardin | Gads Santos