Showing posts with label energy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label energy. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Setting up gasoline stations - is it an easy business?

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Once this post was approached by a former staff to invest in gasoline station.  This later was involved in what was labelled as a scam involving a former celebrity as a chairman

I would not believe their pitch because:   1. there is so much competition,  2.  there are so much dynmaism in the transportation industry, 3.  even in the fuel supply chain:  the ups and down of prices.   You must know and be able to estimate the high and low and plan your purchase accordinagly

Let us say you buy your supply at P40.00 and suddenly the new supply is at P35.00.  How do you manage the P5.00 down fall. Will you be supported by the oil company?

What about the renegade suppliers who do not pay taxes?

Even the managers of big oil who manage their own stations that the govt impose so much taxes, and their margins are so small.  They make more money and stable at that renting the spaces in expressway to stores, and foodstuff sellers.  

If they say that, how could you make profits😊

Better think of something else.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Getting energized for entrepreneurship

Every generation needs a revolution - an entrepreneurial revolution

Rizal Philippines
August 16, 2016

At age 76, the veteran CEO is still energy, clear headed and very much energized.  How does he do it.  He says, he plays golf, he plays hard badminton, eats well and sleeps early. Above all he has the love of his life to energize him.  (He believes in Napoleon Hill that says something about sex.)

So one needs strong cardiovascular health and general health to carry out the rigors of entrepreneurship and wealth building.  This is an important lesson

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Spentrep Class attended the Opeman Energy Forum instead of having a class

To support the 17th Opeman forum which was about energy, our class in Spentrep decided to  attend  the forum instead of holding a class. I saw Gracey Agustin (who manned the registration for their MM class)) Gen Ursua, Rocky Gabatin, Trizha, Zordialine and Francis.

Energy is an important and significant opportunity look into.  We have dwindling fossil fuel resources;  China is blocking our potential source of cheap energy (the Scarborough shoal).  Fuel prices are on the way up because of growing scarcity.  KSA oil fields yield are on the way down, and its even investing  in solar to show how scarcity is affecting theem too.   USA claims it does not have to import oil, but its Bakken fields costs are exceeding revenues. 

The Spentrep students are to submit a paper